PrideNomad 131: What A Drag Queen Can Teach You About Sales

Plus Broken Heel Revealed...

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

Which South American city, famous for its cultural festivals and colorful street art, has been increasingly recognized for its LGBTQ+ inclusivity and now hosts a growing annual Pride event?

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email:

Up Front: What a Drag Queen Can Teach You About Sales

Tech Update : We Goofed (You Win!)

Event Recap: Drag Queens, the Outback, a Silver Mine, and a Legendary Cult Movie

Nomad Hack: Amazing Travel Deals Are On the Way!

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


What a Drag Queen Can Teach You About Sales

It takes a strong personality to be a drag queen. They’re typically bold, sometimes brazen, mastering the art of performance and audience engagement. And they take their work seriously—some even make significant incomes from it. Just ask RuPaul!

Yet, when out of drag, they can be quiet and reserved. The “act” is part of the job.

At the Broken Heel Festival this week, there was no shortage of drag professionals (doesn’t that sound more elegant?). Each one showcased their talents, selling their unique brand of fabulous with every performance.

Even offstage, the performers were on—posing for photos, engaging with the audience, and continuously selling their brand.

It’s no different for those of us who run businesses (and even if you’re an employee, you ARE running a business—you’re selling your services to the company that pays you).

When you go to work, you put on your work persona. To be successful, you’ve got to promote yourself, navigate daily challenges, and lead—whether it's with your team, clients, suppliers, or anyone else you connect with.

Drag performers face rejection and disapproval regularly. So do salespeople.

But successful salespeople shrug off the fear and keep going. They focus on the end result: a strong performance and closed sales.

Here are two key takeaways:

1. Drag professionals truly are professionals. We can learn a lot from them about presentation skills and tenacity. Take them seriously!

2. You’re always selling—your ideas, your products, your perspectives. When you’re in sales mode, channel your inner Drag Queen or King. Step into a state of confidence and leadership.

Bottom line: Embrace the fabulousness that you are!


We Goofed. You Win.

Recently we told you about our new software tool that helps you capture “the ones that got away”—the people that visit your website but never optin.

It’s called ZenWare Insights, and it’s pretty amazing. Unfortunately, when we released it, we really goofed on the pricing plans. We failed to recognize the needs of our lower-volume community. OOPS!

So we’ve retooled to better serve you…The details (including a short video) are here:

Affiliates 728x90

Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!


What Do Drag Queens, the Outback, a Silver Mine, and a Legendary Cult Movie Have to Do with Each Other?

It’s the Broken Heel Festival, held in Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia…at the Palace Hotel, one of the locations where Priscilla, Queen of the Desert was filmed.

This year the festival celebrated it’s 10th anniversary and PrideNomad was there!

As the first stop of our PrideNomad World Tour, we boarded the “Silver City Stiletto” in Sydney at the crack of dawn.

The 14-hour train journey began with a short welcome from the head of the NSW TrainLink as well as Dr. Marjorie O’Neill a member of Parliament. Yes, we got the royal treatment.

Of course, we couldn’t have a proper sendoff without a performance by 3 fabulous drag performers, who continued the festivities by entertaining us for hours on the train (there was no shortage of drag entertainers on our journey).

A 6am drag show? Why not?

Australia is a fabulous country and it’s easy to forget about its natural beauty when you don’t venture from city centers.

But in a 14-hour ride to practically nowhere (look on the map!), you get so see cool things like camels (who knew!) and breathtaking fields of festive bright yellow, which we learned were canola flowers. While the oil may be bad for you, they flowers were a gift to the eyes!

A photo doesn’t do this justice.

The people of Broken Hill met us with a DJ and a gaggle of locals to welcome us. That was a great start.

The event was filled with drag performances and two notable live performances. The first was the amazing Marcia Hines who blew us away—proving that 71 isn’t old. Her golden voice took us on a journey of fun and nostalgia.

Marcia Hines was exceptional!

The following night we were dazzled by The Elton John Experience. I confess that I was a bit skeptical, but the moment this group took the stage, I knew we were in for a treat.

“Elton” looked like the gay icon. He sounded like the gay icon. And for a moment we wondered if Elton was actually here to surprise us.

Looks like him, sounds like him, but not really him!

One legendary hit after another was delivered to boundless enthusiasm. We wouldn’t let them leave the stage—I think they ended up giving us 4 or 5 encores (I was informed that he gave us an extra 45 minutes!).

The last night featured an interactive screening of the legendary movie along with some great news: The original Priscilla bus has been found and will be restored to it’s original fabulosity.

If you’d like to contribute to the restoration efforts, go here >>

After 30 years, it’s great to see the progress we’ve made…but it’s also sobering to remember how much further we have to go.

Even the local police took part!

Yes, there was a parade as well!

I confess, it felt like I was seeing it again for the first time…and I was on an emotional rollercoaster as the story reached it’s conclusion (ok, I was all choked up about to cry my eyeballs out and the wonderful man next to me held on to me with a bear hug—yes, I’m an incurable romantic).

During the event, we ventured out into the Outback and visited the historic town of Silverton (apparently the film MadMax 2 was filmed there), and then we got to see the breathtaking vista of the Mundi Mundi Plains…which was perfection.

Couldn’t resist sharing this signage!

Love is all around!

EDITOR’S NOTE: For those of you that were with us at Mundi Mundi, we’ll be posting the photos (and so much more) on the PrideNomad Blog in the next day or so (as you may know, the 14+ hour ride on the Silver Stiletto has horrible cell service, so there was no uploading going on).

A photo doesn’t do this place justice.

The bus driver said this was her best charter EVER!

There will be a sequel to Priscilla, but the future of The Broken Heel Festival is in doubt. It was announced that this would be the last one, but the promoters have left the door open should they use the hotel for the next movie.

Here’s the lesson—if you’re thinking of going to do an event…or visit a fun place…do it NOW…before visitor restrictions are enacted, or before they’re environmentally destroyed.

As PrideNomads, we have choices. Let’s choose to explore. Let’s choose to fulfill our desires for our best lives!

Do you have a travel story or helpful hint to share? Reply to this email and share (and if we publish it, you’ll score a sexy PrideNomad T-Shirt!).


Amazing Travel Deals Are On the Way!

As PrideNomads, we’re among the most valued LGBTQ+ travelers. We travel more frequently and we’re more able to travel spontaneously.

So we thought—why don’t we team up with LGBTQ+ travel and tour operators who need to fill spaces in their trips and tours?

They can get their spots filled and we can get some great last-minute deals (figure 20-50% off!).

So it’s with a huge amount of excitement that we announce “PrideNomad FLASH!”, for great travel deals that may be gone in a flash!

We’re working with the IGLTA (the International LGBTQ+ Travel Association) to assemble the best travel deals for our PrideNomad community, and we’ll be launching soon.

As a PrideNomad subscriber, you’re already on the waiting list, and you’ll be the first to get access to the best deals on LGBTQ+ travel and adventures!

Here’s what we’d love for YOU to do—please tell your friends—send them this link: and they’ll get put on the waitlist.

The more people we have on the waitlist, the more leverage we’ll have with the travel providers—so please help us get the word out!

Hint—it’s our vision that when this goes viral, we’ll have tour operators create exclusive trips for our PrideNomad family!

See you next week!

Quiz Answer

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires is known for its rich cultural festivals and colorful street art. The city has become increasingly recognized for its LGBTQ+ inclusivity, and its annual Pride event continues to grow, drawing both locals and international visitors to celebrate diversity.

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