PrideNomad™ 103: Europe, Stay Free & More!

Yes, The World Is Your Playground

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In today’s email:

Still a Voyeur?: Here’s how to join the fun…

Great News From Europe: The island fast-track. Can you say Opa?

How to Stay Free: (All you have to do is put out!)

NomadHack: A ripoff warning.

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


News For Our Voyeurs.

Before we launched this newsletter, we did some research on the global digital nomad community—those who are actually digital nomads and those who are thinking about it, planning it, dreaming, and fantasizing about it.

What we discovered may come as no surprise to you: There are more aspiring digital nomads than those who are living the nomadic lifestyle right now.

So to balance things out, and give our “nomadic voyeurs” some tools to help make the leap to location freedom, here’s the first of many “how to” pieces.

BTW—We would love to share YOUR story…Just reply to us and give us the details of your journey. We’d love to expose you!

OK, let’s get going!

Let’s turn your world to where your lifestyle and your career are as boundary-less as your creativity is.

It’s Time to Embrace the Digital Nomad Rainbow

First things first, let's talk about what it means to be a digital nomad. 

It's like being a modern-day explorer, but instead of navigating uncharted territories, you’ve got maps, travel guides, and the growing PrideNomad™ community to act as signposts.

So you can check out new places with a total feeling of safety (and a heck of a lot of excitement!). It’s easier now, more than ever.

But how are you going to pay for it? How do you manage the economics? What about your job & career?

Being a digital nomad means that you’re breaking free from the 9-to-5 office grind.

Covid has made it easier to smash the heteronormative conventions of workspaces so you turn the world into your home-base.

Don’t let the image fool you—it’s nearly impossible to read your laptop screen on the beach—but at the beach bar, YES!

Why Join the Nomadic Revolution?

Remember—our ancestors were the original nomads, wandering the earth with a fierce sense of freedom. 

But somewhere down the line, society started measuring success by how much stuff we could accumulate, chaining us to desks and dimly lit offices. As a digital nomad, you get to reclaim that nomadic spirit and redefine success on your own terms.

But let's not strut into this with rainbow-tinted glasses. 

They would look good during a Pride parade!

Kissing your stable income goodbye for the unpredictable embrace of digital nomad life is a bold move. It's about trading security for the thrill of the unknown, and it takes guts, grit, and a glittery determination.

So how do you make the switch?

It may be totally seamless for you if you already work remotely. All you’ll need to do is ensure that you manage your time to fulfill your work obligations.

For instance, if you’re working North American hours, you may find yourself working nights while you’re in Asia. If you can arrange flex hours, that would certainly be a plus!

If you’re unable to take your job with you, then it’s time to explore other income options. Typically that means operating some sort of digital business.

If you run your own business, you might find the transition even easier than you think.

Consider this: If you were to sell your business, you would need to install a management team to operate it in your absence (which adds value to the business). Once you have a competent management team, you’re more able to check in remotely from the beach in the Turks & Caicos (or the ski lodge during Whistler’s gay ski week!).

Not sure you've got the digital chops yet? 

You might be surprised at how easy it can be to operate an online business.

Yep—even if you don’t have a client or customer list, or even a product to sell (yet), there are plenty of online business options for you.

You might choose to dive into the world of online courses. 

Find your niche, something you're passionate about, and become the go-to expert. Or—connect with experts and leverage their expertise and audiences (more on THAT in future issues).

You could run an Amazon store. You could play the financial markets (I met a gentleman in Cambodia who has been a PrideNomad™ for 27 years—his primary income was stock trading and he also created gorgeous photo calendars). Frankly, the options are endless.

Stick your toe in first. See if you can take a long working holiday and explore how it feels to manage the balance of nomadic-style living and work.

For instance, when I first got to Thailand, I worked a few hours in the early morning, went to the beach, worked a few hours after the beach, went to dinner (and saw some amazing drag shows!), then came back for a couple of more hours of work before bed.

In Cambodia, I worked early in the morning, spent the day exploring the amazing temples of Angkor Wat, and then worked in the evening.

It’s all about balance.

If it feels right, then…

Go All In.

If not, then you might as well stay home. This life is about blending work and wanderlust, and it requires your full, fabulous attention.

So back to your economic safety—how to fill your purse while living your best nomadic life.

Here are some options to consider:

Freelance Writing: Do you have a way with words? Use your storytelling magic to charm clients from anywhere in the world. Whether you're penning blog posts from a beach or crafting copy in a cozy café, your words can be your ticket to financial freedom. Not sure how to write copy? There are plenty of great courses available—feel free to reach out to us for some recommendations.

High-End Virtual Assistance & Consulting: You might be surprised to discover the vast number of businesses that need assistance—from financial matters to web development, tech development, social media management and marketing. Many digital nomads end up leaving their jobs only to return as off-site consultants, working less and making more!

Translation Services: Fluent in two languages? Use that bilingual brilliance to bridge communication gaps and pocket some pretty pennies while you're at it.

Teach English Online: Got a knack for grammar and a stable Wi-Fi connection? Teaching English online can be a rewarding way to connect with students from around the globe, all while funding your adventures. While you probably won’t get rich from the actual job, you can add to your income with private tutoring.

Blogging, Newsletters & Content Creation: It's a slow burn, but if you've got a unique voice and something special to share with the world, blogging can eventually turn into a lucrative income stream through collaborations, affiliate marketing, and advertising.

OnlyFans: The list wouldn’t be complete if we omitted OnlyFans. Porn sells and when you shoot from exotic locations, it can give you more of a competitive edge (a friend of mine did a very popular shoot on a balcony in Prague—it got a huge number of views and comments). 

The only limits lie within your imagination.

So that’s a start for you.

We’d love to hear about your adventures. Write back and share ‘em with us!


Some Good News From Europe.

Getting a Golden Visa (one of the best visas for us to get) used to be much easier but over the past few years our favorite countries (ie Portugal) have enacted disappointing changes that have made it more difficult and time-consuming to obtain long-term residency or citizenship.

But there’s some good news from Cyprus, and it can be a game-changer if you’re feeling hemmed in by those pesky Schengen visa limits and dreaming of broader horizons in Europe. 

Cyprus just revamped its citizenship rules, making it a standout option for expanding your travel and living options in the EU.

Here’s the scoop: Cyprus has put a new system in place that caps the processing time for citizenship applications at eight months. 

That’s a big deal because it means no more endless waiting to get approval. In the past, it could take you 4 years or more to qualify and then another few years sitting in bureaucracy (that’s typical in other countries).

Even the qualification time is improved:

If you're a highly skilled non-EU national making waves in Cyprus, here's the fast track: Show off some Greek skills, and you could be looking at citizenship in record time. 

A modest grasp of Greek (A2 level) can get you there in 4 years, but if you're a bit more fluent (B1 level), you could be calling Cyprus home in just 3 years (plus the 8 months of processing time).

A room with a view!

Why Cyprus? Well, aside from its obvious allure – think gorgeous beaches, mouthwatering food, and rich history – Cyprus is on the up and up. Its economy is growing, the cultural scene is vibrant, and its location is perfect for jet-setters looking to hop between continents.

As for LGBTQ+ rights and culture, Stefan Arestis of the Nomadic Boys reports that Cyprus is on a journey, slowly but surely becoming more inclusive.

While it’s not yet a major gay party hub like Tel Aviv or Mykonos, the scene is growing, with more bars, clubs, and beaches welcoming the LGBTQ+ community. The legal landscape is improving too, with civil unions legal since 2015 and ongoing efforts to combat discrimination.

So, if you’re looking to bypass travel restrictions and secure a spot in the EU, Cyprus is calling. It’s an opportunity to join a welcoming, diverse community and unlock a world of European adventures.


Work/Study for Adults?

A few years ago I was traveling through the Algarve with one of my favorite travel companions (my Mom!). We popped in to visit the owners of a lovely gay hotel and I discovered that they were looking for a houseboy to help out with the daily chores.

Those chores included cleaning the rooms, sweeping the grounds, taking care of the breakfast dishes, etc. It was about 4 hours a day of work, and compensation included a room and food, plus a small stipend.

To my surprise, my Mom actually suggested that I apply for the position! In hindsight, that might have been a fun gig.

Here’s the thing—opportunities like that are everywhere!

For instance, every summer in Provincetown, Massachusetts, there are plenty of guest houses that hire seasonal help (and if you can do a summer in Ptown, DO IT!).

A free summer place in Ptown? OMG, YES!

Are there other opportunities aside from gay guesthouses? YES!

From families needing live-in help to non-profits needing pseudo-volunteers, the options are endless.

And there’s a website that caters to it. Check out

For less than USD $50 per year, they can connect you with around 50,000 volunteer experiences around the globe. You simply trade your time for room and board.

We did a quick search of the site this week and immediately discovered a listing from a gay guy in Australia, a family in Ireland, and an agroecological farm near Bordeaux, France.

Pick an adventure. Any adventure!

You can go for as long or as short a stay as you both agree to.

Check it out. This can be a great way to live a priceless adventure!


A Rip-Off Warning

A few years ago I was sitting in the back of a coffee shop in Makati (Philippines) doing some writing on my laptop. My iPhone was plugged into the Mac to get charged.

A young man walked over and shoved a paper in front of me, which he said was some sort of invitation. I looked at it, wasn’t interested, and sent him away.

About 30 minutes later, I reached for my iPhone.

That extra space above is where the iPhone was supposed to be. It was GONE.

That young guy was a thief!

The “invitation” shoved in front of my face was a distraction to allow him to grab the iPhone from right in front of me!

That was pretty ballsy—and frankly, very creative.

So here’s the hack.

ALWAYS keep your guard up. ALWAYS.

Keep your valuables AWAY from the edge of any table. If someone approaches you, take note of where your stuff is—and maintain your vigilance.

It only takes a moment for a professional thief to turn a great day into the opposite.

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