PrideNomad™ 106: 10X Yourself, Escaping DeSantis, AI Laptops & More!

This is the "Better You" edition!

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Trivia:

In the vibrant digital era, one platform emerged as a beacon for LGBTQ+ voices, hosting a pivotal series of videos titled "It Gets Better" aimed at offering hope to young LGBTQ+ individuals. Can you name this influential platform, founded in 2005, that became a crucial space for sharing stories and fostering community?

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email:

Your Future Self: It’s time to 10x. Here’s how.

The Great Escape: This couple gave Florida the finger…

Tech Wishes: Apple just changed the game. Again.

NomadHack: Time to invest. Wisely.

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


Big Dreams and Your Future Self 🌈✨

Aside from your external adventure as you explore the world, being balanced means that you should take an inner adventure as well. Today, we bring you lessons from one of our favorite books, “10X is Easier Than 2x,” by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy, and let me tell you, it's got me thinking BIG. Like, Michelangelo BIG.

10x may sound like a lot, but stick with me; it's less about math and more about magic. 🚀

So, here's the big idea: This book throws out the idea that aiming for huge, audacious goals (like 10x-ing your life) is actually more doable and way more thrilling than just doubling up what you've got.

Picture this: Michelangelo, at 17, decides to sculpt what would become the iconic David. He wasn't just doodling in the margins; he was dreaming BIG. That's the kind of energy we're tapping into.

Let's break it down to some real talk and real steps, PrideNomad™ style:

1. Dream Out Loud 🌟

First things first, let's dream out loud. What's your version of Michelangelo's David? That big, bold dream that sets your soul on fire? Lock it in; that's your 10x goal.

2. Future You Calls the Shots 🕶️

Now, here's a game-changer: Before you do anything, ask yourself, "Would my future self be proud of this choice?" 

It's like having a wise bestie in your corner, keeping you on track, and steering you clear of those pesky bad habits (I think about this every time someone offers me something sweet, or when I think I’m too tired to go to the gym).

3. The Great Goodbye 🚫

It’s time to get real choosy. If something doesn't make you happy, help you grow, or get you closer to your dream life, it might be time to wave goodbye. Your future self will thank you. If it doesn’t fit the big plan, it most likely doesn’t belong in your life today.

4. Your Tribe Vibes 👯

Big dreams need big support. Find your tribe – those who cheer you on and dream just as big. Together, you're unstoppable. Your friends who use words like “impossible” aren’t your friends. Those who focus on HOW you can get stuff done and are willing to challenge you to be better are the people you want to keep very close to you.

5. Step by Step 🚶‍♂️

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was David. Focus on the small, daily choices that edge you closer to your 10x life. What's one thing you can do today that your future self would high-five you for?

Ben and Dan wrote another book called “The Gap and the Gain” which reminds us to focus on our progress (the gain)—not the distance we are from our goal (the gap). This is a HUGE lesson to always keep in mind.

6. Roll With the Punches 🛣️

Heads up: there'll be bumps. But guess what? They're all part of the journey. Embrace them, learn from them, and keep moving forward. Remember your 10X goal…and also remember that the great winding rivers were formed as the water went around obstacles and found a way. You can too.

So, what do you say? Are you ready to live a life so bright, that your future self will need shades? 🔥 By being a PrideNomad™ you’re demonstrating that you want a far more adventurous and fulfilling life. Now let’s do even better. 

Let’s 10x it!

What's your 10x goal? Hit reply and share it with our tribe. Together, we're a force of nature. 🌠


The Great Escape. Going for Greener Pastures.

Luis and Cole left Florida due to the rise of hate crimes and the impact of Governor Ron DeSantis’ discriminatory laws on the LGBTQ+ community. They say that their decision to transition to a digital nomad lifestyle wasn’t just personal but also a response to the pressing social and political issues they were confronted with.

Luis and Cole left Florida due to the declining political climate for LGBTQ+ community.

Their decision to become digital nomads was fueled by their desire to seek safety, explore new opportunities, and escape the challenges posed by Florida’s growing discriminatory laws and hate crimes. 

Seeking Refuge in Europe 

Their pursuit of a digital nomad lifestyle was intertwined with their quest for safety and acceptance. By venturing into Europe, they felt they found a haven where they could live authentically and contribute to society without fear of persecution.

It wasn’t without some bumps in the road. 

Their journey involved navigating immigration processes in countries like Germany and Spain. (They’re part of “the Schengen Area”, which encompasses most EU countries, except for Cyprus and Ireland. Bulgaria and Romania became the newest Member States to join the Schengen area as of March 31, 2024)

When someone enters the Schengen Area, a 180-day period starts. This means that someone can enter the Schengen Area as many times as they want, but only stay for a total of 90 days, every 180 days. Visas for stays exceeding 90 days remain subject to national procedures.

As native English speakers, they’re planning to teach English and pursue courses in data analytics and bookkeeping and they plan to be flexible in their nomadic journey.

They’re not alone in their motivation to leave the USA. Studies show that fully half of the digital nomad community is composed of Americans.

Barry, one of our intrepid subscribers, left the USA last year at the young age of 87 and now calls Thailand home (for now)…which he’s enjoying with his new 25-year-old boyfriend. He was recently back in the States and reported that due to the toxic political environment, he couldn’t wait to return to Thailand.

Few countries (if any) are exempt from political drama, but when you’re a guest in a country, their problems aren’t your problems, so you get to be detached from the emotion that you might feel about your pre-nomadic community. 

Hint: Remain the observer, not a participant in local issues. You’re a guest in that country, and you risk being thrown out if you become a “bad guest”. For instance, I was in Thailand during the 2014 coup. Regardless of my personal opinion, I had to remain “Switzerland” and keep silent. Resist the temptation to be an activist. Remain an observer.


Apple’s Stroke of Genius…The New M3 MacBook Air…Perfect for PrideNomads™ .

If you're always on the hunt for the next big thing to make your travels smoother and your work seamless, Apple's latest marvel, the M3 MacBook Air, is here to rock your world. This isn't just any laptop; people are calling it a “powerhouse of innovation”, tailor-made for adventurers like you who crave efficiency and ease on the go.

One of the biggest game-changers with the M3 MacBook Air is its cutting-edge AI capabilities. Unlike anything before, this laptop can handle a bunch of AI tasks without needing a constant internet connection. This is huge! 

Finally, a MacBook Air that can replace your MacBook Pro?

Whether you're in a remote beach hut or a city café with spotty Wi-Fi, this MacBook keeps you in the flow, with no interruptions. Apple's brilliance shines here, showing that maybe their apparent absence in the AI scene was them playing the long game, perfecting a system that truly understands the needs of users like us.

But wait, there's more.

The tech behind this is something Apple has been cooking up for a while. They're leveraging on-device AI, which means the laptop itself processes all the AI tasks. This is not just about keeping things speedy; it's about keeping your data private and secure. No sending your info to distant servers; it's all happening right on your device. This approach is a stroke of genius from Apple, offering you a blend of privacy and performance that's hard to beat.

And let's not forget the practical side of things. The M3 MacBook Air is as light as a feather and sleek, making it the perfect travel companion. No more debates about whether to lug around a heavy laptop "just in case." This MacBook fits into your adventurous life without weighing you down, literally and figuratively.

In essence, the M3 MacBook Air is more than a laptop; it's a statement from Apple. They've entered the AI arena with a bang, offering a device that's not just keeping up with the times but setting new standards. For you, the intrepid traveler, it means a world where work and wanderlust meet effortlessly.

If you’ve been considering an upgrade, now may be the time!


Time to become an investor.

So you’re traveling the world now (or your considering it). Awesome!

Most digital nomads are on their global adventures and they’re still working. At some point, however it’s time to consider your financial life along with your lifestyle of travel and adventure.

Yes, it’s time to become an investor, and that time is now.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have money socked away. There are plenty of investment possibilities that do NOT involve money in order to get a decent return.

For instance, I was offered the ability to take over a company for zero dollars out of pocket recently. My investment would have been my time and experience. Does that sound like a good deal?

Perhaps…but remember our 10x discussion? I didn’t accept the deal because it would have taken me off my primary focus on building our PrideNomad™ community.

Your investments should reflect your interests and provide you with returns that will build your financial foundation.

Throughout our journey together, we’ll bring you discussions about a variety of ways you can invest now—so that by the time you’re done “working”, you can have a stable, dependable nest egg that will support your “Lifestyle of Awesome” for the long term.

From music royalties to NFT’s to real estate (not the type of real estate you may be thinking about!) to joint ventures and more, the possibilities are endless when you open your mind to the possibilities, so stay tuned and look at everything you see as an opportunity—and remember to always consider if it will add to or detract from your “North Star” goal.

Trivia Answer:

The influential platform is YouTube. The "It Gets Better" project, started in 2010, utilized YouTube to share uplifting messages with LGBTQ+ youth.

That’s it for this week. See you next week. Please share this with your friends!

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