PrideNomad™ 110: Getting Started--Tips for Taking the Leap

Here's how to get ready for your adventure

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

This island, known as an Instagram hotspot, offers a serene retreat with its tropical climate and vibrant digital nomad community. Despite a limited gay scene, it's celebrated for its welcoming atmosphere for LGBTQ+ travelers. Which Indonesian island is this?

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email:

For Nomad Voyeurs: Your guide for getting started.

The Money Convo: The top ways to fund your adventure

NomadHack: How to pay local prices

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Wanna Nomad? Here are some tips to Get Started…

Since over half of our subscribers are aspiring digital nomads, if that’s you, let’s explore how you can join the growing ranks of the location-independent nomadic community.

Build Your Global Network Before You Travel

One of the most empowering steps you can take is to connect with fellow LGBTQ+ digital nomads who have paved the way.

It’s easy to feel lonely when you’re out on the road—connection is key to sanity.

Seek out communities on platforms like Reddit, Facebook groups, Nomad List forums, and for invaluable insights and support through face-to-face connections.

We’re launching our own LinkedIn group—definitely join it and inspire others to join as well (the Facebook group is coming soon).

Craft Your Flexible Income

It’s crucial to ensure your income is as mobile as you are. 

Whether you pursue freelance writing, coding, online teaching, or even starting your own Etsy shop, there’s no limit to the number of possibilities awaiting you. 

Be inspired by other digital nomads—whether they’re from LGBTQ+ community or not— and consider how they’ve been creative and resourceful as they share their adventures.

Many of them work remotely for progressive companies or venture out as entrepreneurs. If you’ve ever wanted to run your own business, this is a great way to do it! 

More on this later in today’s issue.

It’s your playground. Where do you want to play today?

Choosing Your Sanctuary: LGBTQ+ Friendly Destinations 

When making your travel plans, prioritize places that not only fit your budget but also embrace LGBTQ+ diversity. 

Cities such as Bangkok and Lisbon boast vibrant queer communities and welcoming atmospheres (they’re among our favorites). 

Quieter locales in Eastern Europe offer inclusive environments without the hustle and bustle. Check out our Top 10 guide in Issue 102 of the PrideNomad™ Letter for some ideas.

Remember that you’re not making permanent plans—you’re on a journey, and you can change your location as often as you like. In other words, if you’re not happy, move!

Managing Logistics 

Before jumping into the digital sunset, let’s tackle the practicalities. 

Visas, insurance (check out our sponsor, Safety Wing), healthcare (with a focus on LGBTQ+-friendly providers), housing, and banking arrangements are all essential considerations.

Be sure you address these logistical aspects to lay a solid foundation for your nomadic lifestyle. Keep reading each week’s newsletter for current info and resources.

The Transition 

Take a breath—It takes courage to do this!

From purchasing that one-way ticket to settling into your chosen haven, it’s about finding balance—where work, exploration, and authenticity intersect. 

Embrace this new chapter with open arms and a resilient spirit and BE PATIENT—with yourself and with those around you. 

You’ll probably be experiencing unfamiliar cultures where things are done in ways that you find weird or silly. 

Resist the temptation to judge. Remember, you’re on an adventure, and you’re a guest at your destination. It’s time to learn new things!

Finding Your Local Community 

Seek out your LGBTQ+ community in your new environment. Online sites can be a fast pass to connections.

For example, many people on Grindr, Scruff, and other similar sites can be a huge resource in your new or proposed location.

Despite their reputations, those sites aren’t always about hooking up.

There are also more conventional ways to connect. From drag bingo nights or expat gatherings, the opportunities for connection are endless.

Groups like InterNations, while they’re not LGBTQ+-focused, can facilitate networking and help you discover your new chosen family far from home (I’ve made some terrific gay friends at InterNations events).

Relax Into It.

Finally, enjoy the journey. 

Living authentically means embracing paths that bring you joy, whether that’s finding comfort in stillness or excitement in the hustle. 

Remember, the journey is uniquely yours to navigate. Be flexible and be ready to change your plans on a moment’s notice—that’s one of the best parts of being a PrideNomad™.

If you meet someone on a train and you’re invited to join them on an adventure, consider spontaneity (years ago, I met a delightful young man on a train and he invited me to visit his home in Eindhoven, Holland. I agreed and got to experience a part of the country that would have never considered before).

Do it When You’re Ready.

Each week, you may get more and more motivated as you read the newsletter.

Start planning your escape and when you’re ready, pack your bags, your dreams, and your fabulous self— the world is yours to explore, and we’re looking forward to meeting you out there!

Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!

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How to Finance Your Nomadic Adventures

This may be the best time ever to become a PrideNomad™. 

Technology has made it much easier and COVID made the concept of working remotely a common scenario.

Here’s an overview of the most popular work options. We’ll be diving deeper into each area in future issues of the PrideNomad™ Letter.


Freelancing may be your most accessible route to becoming a digital nomad. 

It's as simple as figuring out what skills you possess that others value and turning it into a service.

Platforms like Fiverr and Upwork are excellent for showcasing your expertise, or you can tap into your personal network to find your first clients (that’s typically the fastest and easiest way to get started). 

Don’t underestimate the power of Fiverr. When you leverage the power of AI technology and remote teams to help you, you can generate a significant income without slaving away at your computer.

Remember, though, being your own boss comes with its challenges, such as irregular income and no paid sick leave.

But for many of us, the freedom to control our time is far more rewarding than a steady paycheck and being tethered to a predictable (boring) job.

Remote Work

In 2007, Tim Ferriss’s trailblazing book “The Four Hour Work Week” introduced the idea of working remotely. It was considered a bit renegade, so he included a chapter about how to wean yourself out of the office.

These days it’s just another work option.

Start with your current employer. 

If they won’t cooperate, beef up your resume and leverage websites like FlexJobs,, and other niche job platforms.

Laptop, Wifi and a Beverage…a Great Start.

Start an Online Business

If you’ve ever considered being the captain of your own ship, you’ve got endless possibilities with your own online business.

From selling products on Amazon (and now TikTok Shop) to creating a service agency, you can create virtually any sort of business you can think of.

There are pros and cons for all business options, so put your emotions on the side as you determine the best business path for you.

By the way, don’t feel that you have to do this all on your own.

You can assemble your own virtual team to assist you—from customer service to marketing, sales, and technology. 

For instance, over the years, our team has included website builders and graphic designers, software coders, customer service people, a video editor, and more.

Content Creation

Among our favorite ways to live the nomadic lifestyle is to leverage your wisdom and experience.

Whether it's through online courses or masterminds, a newsletter,  blogging, podcasting, or vlogging, quality content creation positions you as an industry expert.

This is more than just building a tribe of Instagram followers (though that can be a huge way to generate revenue).

As you build your audience, you’ll have more and more revenue possibilities—from consulting to generating revenue from referral (affiliate) marketing and more.

Content creation is easier now than ever—and you can be super successful with a small group of followers (in fact, that may be your most profitable situation!).

While this option may take some time to grow, the upside can be monumental (consider leveraging remote work to cover the bills as you create your own online business).

Passive Income & Investments

Wise digital nomads build passive income streams, often in conjunction with active ones (ie your active business will fund your investments until the investment income replaces your business income). 

Whether it's real estate, stock trading, crypto, NFT’s, or revenue from a self-sustaining business, the ultimate nomadic lifestyle can be powered by income from your portfolio—not by trading your time for dollars.

How can you build a portfolio if you don’t have a lot of cash? Stay tuned—we’ll be revealing some of our favorite “non-work” revenue options in future PrideNomad™ issues.

Which income strategy appeals to you most? Reply back and we’ll craft future content to meet your needs!

Do you have a travel story or helpful hint to share? Reply to this email and share!


How to avoid getting ripped-off when shopping abroad.

While being a digital nomad gives you a life of adventure, it also leaves you open to getting ripped off when locals charge you a “tourist price” instead of the local price (when you’re in Thailand and you hear the term “falang”, you can be sure they’re talking about you).

Without getting into the politics of how some areas have seen huge increases in housing prices due to the soaring demand for nomad housing (think Lisbon and communities in Mexico, for instance), here’s our favorite way to go shopping and not get that higher price.

Go shopping with a local and let them do the talking.

If prices aren’t posted, having a local can be a big help.

That’s right—the moment you open your mouth, you’ll be pegged as a tourist (unless you’re fluent in the local language).

See if you can tag along with the owner of the guest house you’re staying at. Or make a friend in the neighborhood and ask for some shopping assistance.

If you just had a chill go up your spine because asking for help or meeting new people is outside your comfort zone, then this is the perfect exercise for you—the best part of the nomadic experience is to meet new people and go deeper into the local cultures.

You can’t do that by watching from the sidelines. Ask for help and you’ll be surprised at the possibilities that will unfold for you.

Quiz Answer:

Bali, Indonesia. Famed for its picturesque landscapes and digital nomad culture, Bali is very welcoming to LGBTQ+ travelers, offering a blend of comfort, affordability, and tropical beauty​ (it’s a favorite location for yoga and spiritual retreats).

That’s it for this week. See you next week. Please share this with your friends!

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