PrideNomad 119: You're Being Cheated.

And You'll Never Guess Who to Blame!

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

Which island nation in the Caribbean, known for its crystal-clear waters and luxury resorts, celebrates LGBTQ+ pride with the unique Pink Weekend event, drawing digital nomads seeking both relaxation and community?

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter. (for real this time!)

In today’s email:

Up Front: A Travel Warning That May Break Your Heart

Consider This: You’re Being Cheated. Here’s Who to Blame…

Must Read: Should We Travel Where Our Rights Are Limited?

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


This Travel Advisory May Bum You Out.

According to recent reports from readers, the once-affordable Croatia is seeing a surge in tourism and skyrocketing prices.

PrideNomad Terry was in sticker shock after taking a taxi from the Dubrovnik airport to town. The 20-minute ride cost 75 euros, nearly $100 - a price that would only amount to $20-25 for a similar taxi ride back home. This was just the first sign of the increasingly high prices.

Note: An Uber will cost you half, but you’ve got to hike 500 meters away from the airport in order to get one—definitely worth the walk, and you benefit from some free cardio.

The scenic seaside town of Dubrovnik, though still possessing its old-world charm, is now packed during peak season with tourists, especially Americans. That charm pales with the crowds.

A walk on the ancient walls will now set you back 35 euros.

Think you can walk Dubrovnik’s ancient walls in solitude? Think again!

With demand at an all-time high, restaurants, hotels, and other businesses can (and do) charge exorbitant rates, knowing travelers will pay.

Terry reports that a standard hotel room now goes for $200 or more per night. Discounts and deals are hard to come by, as Croatia caters more to upscale, high-end tourists.

Just five years ago, readers reported that Croatia was very affordable. You could enjoy fresh local seafood and wine along the picturesque coast for reasonable prices.

However, with its surge in popularity among American travelers seeking a Mediterranean vacation destination, those days appear to be gone.

For budget-minded travelers, it seems Croatia has priced itself out of reach.

So where should PrideNomads consider for a European adventure instead?

Our readers have suggested Romania as an up-and-coming alternative. Romania boasts beautiful Black Sea coastlines without the crowds and inflated costs of Croatia.

It’s been a favorite with digital nomads for quite some time due to its fast Internet (fastest in the EU according to’s global index), and its low cost of living.

Combine this with the Black Sea coast on the east, the amazing nature of the Romanian Mountains and the Danube Delta and the plenty of historical villages.

Romania was ranked third behind Canada and UK by CircleLoop in its 2021 Digital Nomad Index. That said, it scored a less than flattering 46 on Equalidex’s Equality Index.

Romania is a good alternative.

Capital city Bucharest is considered more affordable than most major European cities in terms of dining, hotels, and attractions. With minimal tourism so far, Romania remains a hidden gem.

Romania is gorgeous in winter, too.

Others are mentioning Bulgaria as well. These Black Sea countries are less popular with the general public, which makes them more desirable to us!

Have you discovered any affordable European destinations to recommend? Please share your tips and insights. In the fast-changing travel landscape, it's important to stay on top of emerging destinations before word gets out.

While the era of cheap Croatia may be over, surely there are still undiscovered corners of Europe open to budget-conscious wanderers.

We look forward to hearing about your adventures!

Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!


Are You Selling Yourself Short?

Odds are, you’re cheating yourself—big time!

It’s estimated that 70% of people will experience imposter syndrome at some time in their careers, which typically leads to underpricing of their services—both in prices they may charge for their work as entrepreneurs or compensation they may receive as employees.


Let’s fix that right now.

It’s time to focus on the value that you provide to your clients (including your employer and their clients & customers).

It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others and setting your prices accordingly.

But here’s the thing: you’re not just anybody else.


You bring unique value to your clients and customers, and your pricing should reflect that.

Think about the last time you really made a difference for a client or your company. Maybe you helped grow the business, solved a problem that had been bugging them for ages, or delivered exceptional service that delighted a customer.

That kind of impact is priceless, and it’s something only you can offer.

When you set your prices—or value your contributions—based on the actual value you provide, rather than what others are charging or doing, you recognize your true worth.

If you base your prices or contributions on comparisons, you’re just a commodity—easily replaceable and not standing out from the crowd.

But when you value based on your unique contributions, you become irreplaceable. Clients and companies will be willing to pay more or appreciate your worth more because they see the difference you make in their lives and businesses.


It’s not just about the service you provide; it’s about the results and the impact.

By the way, that also includes the experience of working with you.

Consider this: Years ago I lived in Phoenix, Arizona, a hub city for Southwest Airlines and AmericaWest (now American) Airlines. Southwest did not have assigned seating, so there was always a chance that you could end up stuck in a middle seat.

AmericaWest had assigned seating, so you could ensure you’d either have that coveted aisle or window seat.

Their prices and schedules were basically the same.

So who did I choose to fly?



It was because their experience was more fun. Southwest’s flight attendants weren’t just robots—they produced some of the most “creative” safety announcements. Every flight basically started as a comedy show (I remember one flight when we were taking off, they threw bags of peanuts down the cabin at us. It was hysterical).

So how do you stake your value claim?

First, you need to understand and believe in the value you offer. Take a moment to reflect on your past successes and the positive changes you’ve brought to your clients or your company. Use those stories to boost your confidence.

Next, communicate that value clearly to your clients or employers. Show them the results you’ve achieved and explain how your services or contributions can make a similar impact for them. Case studies and testimonials can be a big help.

Remember, your pricing or value should reflect the transformation you bring, not just the hours you put in. You’re not just selling a service; you’re offering a valuable experience that can change lives.

Start valuing yourself more and pricing your services based on the incredible value you provide. You deserve it, and so do your clients and companies.

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What’s the best way to pay for your PrideNomad adventures?

Become an investor and create a steady stream of cashflow to support your lifestyle. Join PrideNomad’s Publisher and CFO (Chief Fun Officer) Ken Krell along with Jason Palliser as they reveal:

Do you have a travel story or helpful hint to share? Reply to this email and share (and if we publish it, you’ll score a sexy PrideNomad T-Shirt!).


Some iconic travel destinations criminalize homosexuality. LGBTQ travelers are split on whether they should visit.

CNN’s report is an eye-opener. We’d love to hear your opinion after you read it here »

Quiz Answer


Curaçao in the Caribbean is renowned for its stunning beaches and luxury resorts. The Pink Weekend event celebrates LGBTQ+ pride with various activities and parties, providing digital nomads with a perfect blend of relaxation and a supportive community atmosphere.

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