PrideNomad 125: 40 Hot Aussie Firefighters...

What happened next...

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

Which Canadian city, often dubbed the “City of Festivals,” hosts one of the largest LGBTQ+ Pride parades in North America and is known for its bilingual culture and historic charm?

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email:

Up Front: 40 Hot Aussie Firefighters Got on a Plane…

Consider This: Take a Hike. Literally.

Nomad News: More Great News from Southeast Asia

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


40 Hot Aussies Got on a Plane…

Here’s what happened next…

One of the best parts of being a digital nomad is the knowledge you gain and the amazing people that you get to meet on your adventures.

While some geniuses in government insist that global warming is a hoax, we’re enduring our hottest year ever.

We’re seeing a rise in wildfires, and they’re taking their toll. California is burning, and in Alberta, Canada, a huge fire has destroyed over 30% of the town of Jasper (a popular ski destination).

Across Canada, there are 717 active fires, with more than 280 burning out of control.

Sunday, as I was racing to catch a flight to Vancouver, I was surprised to see a huge group of firefighters gathered at the gate. I didn’t smell smoke…so I was wondering what was going on.

And then it hit me. They were on their way to help fight the fires.

All 40 of them.

The first of the Australasian contingent depart Sydney to Canada on Friday 19 July 2024. Photo Credit:

I was lucky to be joined by one of them, and he revealed that they’re all volunteer firefighters. Canada is paying them (to comply with their local rules), and some of them will be spending over a month to help out the Canadians. There are more groups of Aussies headed to help in the coming weeks.

When the flight safety announcement was made, the flight crew saluted the firefighters, and the entire airplane erupted with applause.

They were all wearing their workboots, too—they travel with 2 pair, and if they packed both in their luggage, it would have been overweight.

It was repeated upon arrival in Vancouver.

Turns out that this wasn’t the first time such a deployment has happened. In 2023, they deployed 746 Australasian personnel to Canada. And in 2019-2020, roles were reversed, with the Canadians helping out with the devastating Australian fires.

Aside from the demonstration of the fact that we’re all living in the same community, EARTH, I learned some very important lessons about the effects of wildfires on our precious environment.

Each fire releases massive amounts of CO2, contributing to global warming and triggering more fires. It creates a difficult-to-break cycle.

We went on to discuss some of the science and what it means to volunteer at such a deep level.

Here’s the point:

This experience would not have occurred if I wasn’t traveling.

As a PrideNomad, the more we treat the planet as our playground…the more we travel and explore, the more we enhance our lives and get to feel fulfilled and inspired.

Being a digital nomad isn’t just a trivial lifestyle phase. It can be a deeply enriching experience like none other.

If you’re living this adventure, please share your experiences with us. Help inspire your fellow readers to turn their nomadic dreams into reality.

And if you’re one of our many aspiring digital nomads, know that a magnificent journey awaits you!

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Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!


Go Take a Hike.

The Joy of Remote Working.

So you’ve got Zoom calls to do.

As a PrideNomad, one of the fundamentals of your lifestyle is the ability to make choices about where you want to work…and when.

Want to do calls on the beach? Do it! Just keep in mind that it’s difficult to see a computer screen in full sun!

Certainly, some calls require that you’re in a quiet place where you can take notes with no distractions.

However, other calls may not require such environments, and this is where we want to inspire you to get out and see the world—and share it with your clients and collaborators!

I have meetings this week in Palm Springs (we’ll be covering America’s National LGBT Chamber of Commerce conference), so I decided to spend a couple of nights in LA.

This morning, I took one of my favorite hikes…into Runyon Canyon.

Welcome to one of LA’s most popular hikes!

Isn’t this a wonderful way to live?

I also took my friend Ernesto with me…via Zoom. You see, Ernesto and I had a meeting scheduled…during the time I wanted to hike.

So up the canyon I went…and at the time of our call, I sat down on a bench, and we did business.

Here’s the great thing: great business is built on great relationships. When you share your authentic self, you create goodwill.

You also give your clients something that no one can compete with—an unforgettable experience.

Ernesto got to see a breathtaking view of LA, and we connected at a deeper level.

He wasn’t talking to a boring corporate drone in an office with a fake Zoom background. He was communicating with someone living a lifestyle that he desired for himself. How inspiring is that!

What Ernesto saw.

After the call.

So, dear PrideNomad, embrace the advantages that this lifestyle offers you.

Get out and share it (but do it with humility—you don’t want to brag about how they’re stuck in the office and you’re not!).

Embrace the “remote” in working remotely!

We’d welcome YOUR contribution to the PrideNomad Letter! Just reply to the newsletter with your content idea and you could score your own PrideNomad Contributor T-Shirt!


What’s the best way to pay for your PrideNomad adventures?

Become an investor and create a steady stream of cashflow to support your lifestyle. Join PrideNomad’s Publisher and CFO (Chief Fun Officer) Ken Krell along with Jason Palliser as they reveal:

Do you have a travel story or helpful hint to share? Reply to this email and share (and if we publish it, you’ll score a sexy PrideNomad T-Shirt!).


Great News from Southeast Asia!

We’ve been reporting recently about the backlash against tourists in Barcelona (which is shared by other areas as well), but there’s one country that’s taking a sustainable long-term approach.

Thailand, one of our favorite PrideNomad countries (pick any number of reasons why—from the food to the recent legalization of gay marriage) has launched a new visa that’s a game changer.

It’s called the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV), and it offers a great way to stay longer in this beautiful country.

What’s the DTV?

The DTV is a five-year multiple entry visa. This means you can come and go as often as you want, but you can’t stay more than 180 days at a time. Each time you leave and return to Thailand, your 180 days reset.

Who Can Apply?

To get the DTV, you must be at least 20 years old and have at least 500,000 baht (about $13,800 USD) in your bank account. This is much lower than some other Asian countries, making it a more affordable option.

There’s always something fun to do in Bangkok.

What Can You Do with the DTV?

With the DTV, you can work online for clients outside Thailand. If you want to work for a Thai company or primarily do business in Thailand , you’ll need a separate work permit. The visa fee is 10,000 baht (about $275), and you can apply at a Thai consulate or embassy, or directly at the immigration office in Thailand.

Thailand wants you to spend more money in the country, so they’ve created this incentive for you to stay longer.

When I became a digital nomad and moved to Bangkok back in 2009, my best long term option was a retirement visa, which was a ONE year visa that required I physically check-in with immigration authorities if I was in the country longer than 90 days.

Who can resist taking a photo of this sign?

You would lose a full day renewing the visa and the cost was similar to this new visa.

All in all, this new visa is a gift to those of us living the digital nomad lifestyle. They’ve made it much easier and attractive.

If you’re looking for a great home base, this is another great reason to consider Thailand!

Quiz Answer


Montreal, Quebec, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant festival scene, including one of the largest Pride parades in North America. Its bilingual (French and English) culture and historic charm make it an attractive destination for PrideNomads.

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