PrideNomad 129: 13 Musts...and Must NOTS--This is a big one!

BS "Advice" Exposed! & The Quest for Eyeballs

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

In which European city can you find an annual LGBTQ+ film festival that has become one of the most prominent in the world, set against the backdrop of stunning medieval and modern architecture?

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email (it’s a big one!):

Up Front: No BS: What You Really Need on Your Journey

An Exclusive Invitation: How to Start/Grow/Scale and More!

Game Changers: The Ultimate Quest for Eyeballs

Your Guest Pass: Launch a Newsletter in 5 Days

Nomad Hack: Get Connected Wherever You Go

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


No BS: What PrideNomads Actually Need (and What You Should Leave Behind)

If you’ve spent any time in the digital nomad community, you’ve likely come across lists of “must-have” gear—usually followed by a bunch of links to sell you those “musts”. We’re going to call BULLSHIT here.

Those are NOT impartial lists. They’re revenue boosters, designed to sell you stuff whether you need it or not.

Let’s face it: a lot of those lists are packed with stuff you don’t need. The reality? Most of these so-called “essentials” will only weigh you down and lighten your wallet. Unfortunately those article and blog posts are only written to make sales—not give you truly useful advice.

Let’s cut through the fluff and focus on what really matters.

Here’s a no-BS guide to the true essentials for PrideNomads—plus, we’ll call out some of the ridiculous items you absolutely don’t need.

1. A Reliable Laptop

A solid laptop is the foundation of your digital nomad life. It doesn’t need to be the latest model, but it does need to be reliable, lightweight, and powerful enough to handle your work. Don’t skimp here—this is your mobile office. I swear by my MacBook Pro—the new 16” model is heavy, but it’s got the best battery life that I’ve ever experienced. Today, I’d consider the new MacBook Air or the 13” MacBook Pro. DEFINITELY get it with AppleCare—that’s a non-negotiable (I’ve got stories!).

What to avoid: Fancy docking stations or external monitors. If you’re a digital nomad, your laptop should be doing all the heavy lifting. Docking stations and monitors are great—if you’re staying in one place for months. For the rest of us, it’s just extra baggage.

2. Portable Laptop Stand

Here’s where it gets silly. Do you really need to lug around a portable laptop stand? Sure, it might save your neck, but good luck fitting it into your already stuffed backpack. Instead, find a comfortable spot to work that doesn’t require extra gear. Your posture will survive without the stand.

What to avoid: Anything labeled as “ergonomic” that’s also “portable.” That’s a contradiction in terms, and it’s usually code for “expensive and unnecessary.”

3. Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot

A portable Wi-Fi hotspot sounds great in theory, but in reality, most places you travel to will have Wi-Fi available. It’s 2024, after all. A decent SIM card or eSIM with a solid data plan is a far more practical solution. Save yourself the bulk and the headache. You’ll probably be working at a coffee shop or co-working space, so why do you need more gear?

Here’s an exception: If you’re going camping, a hotspot might be advisable (I’m taking one to the Broken Heel Festival next week).

What to avoid: Wi-Fi extenders or boosters. Unless you’re planning to work from the middle of a jungle, you don’t need this stuff. If the Wi-Fi’s that bad, find a better cafe.

4. Noise-Canceling Headphones

These are genuinely useful—whether you're in a noisy hostel or a bustling cafe, a good pair of noise-canceling headphones can be a lifesaver. Just avoid the overpriced, oversized models that make you look like a DJ at a silent disco. You’re traveling, not mixing beats.

What to avoid: The ultra-premium models that promise studio-quality sound. You’re not producing an album; you’re just trying to get some work done in peace. Mid-range headphones will do the trick without the hefty price tag. I use my Apple AirPods and still travel with my old Bose QuietComfort 20 earphones. They work great and pack super small.

5. Portable Power Bank

A portable power bank is great, but let’s get real: you don’t need one that can charge your laptop five times over. A medium-sized power bank that can recharge your phone a couple of times will do the trick without weighing you down. Confession—I have never traveled with one.

What to avoid: Solar-powered chargers. These sound eco-friendly, but unless you’re in a very sunny place, they’re slow and unreliable. Stick with a standard power bank and skip the solar hype.

6. Universal Travel Adapter

This one’s a keeper. A universal travel adapter is essential when you’re bouncing between countries with different outlet types. But don’t be fooled into thinking you need one with all the bells and whistles—a basic model with a couple of USB ports will serve you just fine. It helps if it has an indicator light so that you know if you’re really getting power (helpful on an airplane!).

What to avoid: Travel adapters with built-in power strips. Unless you’re planning to power a small army of devices, this is overkill. Keep it simple.

7. Portable Laptop Monitor

Seriously? Are you running a mobile command center? If you’re tempted to pack a portable laptop monitor, ask yourself how often you really need a dual-screen setup on the go. For most nomads, this is just another thing to carry and worry about breaking. Stick to a single screen and embrace the simplicity.

What to avoid: Any tech that claims to “bring the office on the road.” The whole point of being a digital nomad is to escape the office. Don’t recreate it in your backpack.

8. Travel Backpack

Your backpack is your lifeline, so yes, this is crucial. But watch out for those packs loaded with “innovative” features like built-in USB chargers or hidden compartments that you’ll forget about. A sturdy, comfortable, and well-organized backpack is all you need—no gadgets required. My favorite backpack cost less than $50 on Amazon (I wrote about it in PrideNomad 113).

What to avoid: “Smart” backpacks. These are usually packed with tech features that sound cool but rarely get used. Focus on comfort and durability instead.

9. Packing Cubes

Packing cubes can be helpful, but let’s not pretend they’re essential. They’re a nice-to-have for organizing, not a game-changer. If you’re struggling to fit everything in your bag, ditch the cubes and just roll your clothes. You’ll manage. Some people swear by them. Others swear at them. If you’ve got alot of stuff to pack, consider compression bags. You stick your clothes in ‘em, then roll-out the air, and it really can save lots of space.

What to avoid: Compression cubes. These promise to save space, but they often just wrinkle your clothes and make unpacking a nightmare.

10. VPN (Virtual Private Network)

A VPN is important for keeping your data secure, especially when using public Wi-Fi. You’ll also need a VPN to watch your favorite Netflix and Amazon Prime content. And—to preserve your banking relationships back home, you may want to login to your bank using a VPN server in your home country (I had an account frozen because the bank “doesn’t cater to international accounts”).

But you don’t need the most expensive, feature-laden VPN on the market. A reliable, basic VPN will keep your information safe without draining your wallet or your device’s battery.

What to avoid: Overcomplicated security setups that slow your device to a crawl. A good VPN and some common sense are all you need to stay safe online.

11. Travel Pillow

Do you really need to carry around a travel pillow? Sure, they’re nice on long flights, but you know what’s even better? Sleeping when you get to your destination. Most of the time, these pillows just take up space and get in the way. Let’s be clear—focus on what you need AT your destination, not on how you travel there!

What to avoid: Inflatable travel pillows. They’re more hassle than they’re worth, often uncomfortable, and prone to punctures. You’re better off using a rolled-up hoodie.

12. Toiletry Kit

A toiletry kit sounds essential, but do you really need a designer one with compartments for everything? Probably not. A simple, compact bag will do the job just fine. You’re traveling, not showcasing your grooming products.

What to avoid: Overpriced toiletry bags with built-in mirrors, hanging hooks, and compartments for every little item. Keep it simple and functional. Same with electronics organizers. You don’t need more stuff! Here’s a great hack: When you’re traveling internationally in the economy cabin, scan the business/first class cabin when you deplane—look for amenity kits left by the business class passengers. Often those kits are the perfect size to hold your cables, pill cases and more. I’ve got a collection of them—my favorites have been from Lufthansa and Qantas—which holds my MacBook Pro charger.

Just a small amount of amenity kits I’ve accumulated over the years. I tend to collect more on every flight! My favs are the aboriginal-inspired kit from Qantas, which holds my Macbook Pro charger…and right behind that is the pouch that houses my pills and vitamins. My microphones for podcasts are to the left in a little Tumi softside.

13. Hooded Down Jacket

Unless you’re planning to trek through Siberia, you don’t need a fancy down jacket with a hood. A lightweight, packable jacket is great for unexpected weather, but don’t go overboard. Layering is your friend.

What to avoid: Bulky winter coats that take up half your luggage. Stick to something packable that can handle a range of temperatures.

The Bottom Line

Being a PrideNomad is about freedom, not about lugging around a bunch of unnecessary gear. Focus on quality over quantity, and remember that less is often more. Stick to the essentials, and you’ll find that your journey is smoother, lighter, and a lot more enjoyable. We’re here to help you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters—so you can keep living your best, uncluttered nomad life.

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Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!


How to Rapidly Reach Your Nomadic Business & Lifestyle Goals.

Your Personal Invitation.

Hey, PrideNomad, over the past 4 decades, I’ve helped entrepreneurs and business owners chart their paths to financial and lifestyle freedom. It’s a my passion. It’s my calling.

Hopefully you can sense that each week in this newsletter.

Best street sign ever?
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

A few years ago, my buddy Joel Bauer goaded me into offering some 30-minute 1-on-1 strategy sessions to my students. Those sessions turned out to be huge game-changers for both the students, as well as me.

So it’s Deja Vu all over again!

I’m going to do a limited number of 1-hour PrideNomad Strategy/Planning/Breakthrough Sessions where we’ll work together to:

Discover Your Path: We’ll dive deep into your current situation and craft a personalized plan to help you reach your goals.

Overcome Obstacles: Identify and break through the barriers that are holding you back.

Strategize Your Next Steps: You’ll walk away with a clear, actionable plan to kickstart or scale your location-independent journey—whether you’re currently a PrideNomad or are simply aspiring to take that first nomadic step.

I’ll tell you this—you will love the experience.

That’s the Sydney Opera House in the distance…

I shot a quick video that explains what it’s all about.


The Ultimate Quest for Eyeballs: How to Stand Out and Build Your Tribe

No matter what kind of business you’re in—whether you’re running the show or making waves for someone else—we’re all after the same thing: eyeballs.

In today’s world, everyone’s fighting for attention, and it’s up to us to be the most unique, captivating, and engaging out there. Recently, my friend Perry Belcher dropped a ton of knowledge on how to do just that, and I’m thrilled to share some of those golden nuggets with you.

We’ll be putting these strategies into play to grow the PrideNomad Letter, and they’re exactly what you should be considering to make your business or side hustle pop.

Cheat Sheets and Book Summaries

People love shortcuts—so why not give them what they want? Whether it’s a cheat sheet or a book summary (print or audio), these quick wins can capture attention faster than you can say “subscribe.” Perry loves audio summaries because they can easily be consumed while your prospect is stuck in traffic.

HINT: Any sort of lead-magnet or “ethical bribe” MUST be able to be consumed FAST. If it’s not consumed, then it won’t convert your prospect to buy from you.

NonBuyer Leads from Webinars

Here’s a hot tip: those folks who didn’t buy from your webinar or at your event? They might just be your best buyers later. Why? There’s a good chance that they’re the busy/successful people that didn’t have the time to sit and watch—but if you gave them an efficient, to-the-point presentation through a short video salesletter, for instance, you might be surprised with the results!

Keep them in the loop with irresistible offers and watch them convert.


Newsletters are one of my favorite ways to build and bond with an audience. They position you as an expert and are frictionless—it’s no-charge information that can create huge brand loyalty. NOTE: If you want to learn how to launch a profitable one, read below and join my Launch Your Newsletter Challenge (as my guest!).

Front-End Offers with SOPs

Got some solid Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)? Sell them! You can even create them using Google’s Gemini AI (I love Gemini!). Think of it as giving people the blueprint to success while building your list.

Viral Contests

Everyone loves a good competition. Use tools like UpViral, KingSumo, or Prefinery to create viral contests that spread like wildfire. Who doesn’t want to win something fabulous?

Quizzes and Solutions

Quizzes aren’t just for fun—they’re a goldmine for segmentation. Create an earning potential quiz or a solution quiz, and use the answers to tailor your offers. Messenger ads work wonders with quizzes, too! We’re planning to implement a variety of digital nomad-centric quizzes over the next few months (here’s the thing—you can’t do all of these strategies all at once—put them into place one at a time!).

Micro SaaS and Free Tools

Want to really stand out? Offer a “free forever” software tool that’s useful but leaves them wanting more. Check out FormWise—it can turn a GPT into a micro SaaS that’s perfect for lead generation.

Inspiration, Hacks, and Swipe Files

People don’t always want to read—they want to be inspired! Share a look book of jaw-dropping landing pages, or offer hacks for fast results. Perry even has a collection of 300 custom AI personas—talk about a game-changer!

And So Much More…

From coloring books to crash courses, video series to swipe files—there’s no limit to the creative ways you can capture attention and build your tribe. The best part? You can sell ‘em for a buck on Etsy or give them away to build goodwill.

Speaking of implementation, we’ve got some exciting plans on the horizon that will help you take these ideas from theory to practice. Keep an eye out, PrideNomads—our upcoming mastermind, “PrideNomad Ascend” will be the perfect place to dive deeper into these strategies and get the hands-on guidance you need to make them work for your business. Big things are coming!

The bottom line:

We’re all in the business of grabbing attention, and with these strategies, you’ll not only stand out but also grow a community that’s excited to follow you wherever you go. Get ready, PrideNomads—the journey is about to get MUCH more exciting!

Do you have a travel story or helpful hint to share? Reply to this email and share (and if we publish it, you’ll score a sexy PrideNomad T-Shirt!).


Wanna Launch Your Own Profit-Generating Newsletter? Be My Guest!

You know me as the guy behind The PrideNomad Letter, and today, I’m here to share something that could seriously level up your game.

So, we all know traditional newspapers are becoming about as relevant as landlines. But you know what’s taking their place? Email newsletters—like the one you’re reading right now.

These digital gems are where the real action is happening, and they’re a massive opportunity if you’re looking to grow your brand and business.

I’m coming out of retirement to host my acclaimed Launch Your Newsletter Challenge next week, and I’d love for you to join me—as my guest!

Back in May, I told the world that I was NOT going to offer this challenge again. And I meant it—more than Cher meant it when she started her first of many farewell tours!

But I was convinced to offer it again—next week.

Look, Listen—Newsletters are a huge deal right now—Check out what others are doing with them. Dr. Chris, a dentist from Mississippi, pulled in $8,000 from his second issue, and David C. Baker, who’s running his newsletter from a farm in Tennessee, brought in $1.7 million last year.

Now, I know what you may be thinking: “Ken, I’m no Hemingway.” But that’s the thing—you don’t have to be. This challenge is all about creating something that connects with your audience, builds your authority, and, yes, brings in some real location-independent revenue. 💰

And you don’t have to write a word (I’m not suggesting AI here—I’ll reveal the powerful publisher model during the challenge).

In just five days, I’ll help you get your first issue ready to go. We’ll cover everything—from picking the perfect niche to creating content that practically writes itself. Plus, you’ll get free access to the newsletter platform I swear by—it’s what’s powering PrideNomad. 😎

So here’s my friendly nudge: join me in this challenge—as my guest. Let’s create something together that feels as good to write as it does to read—and that gets results for you.

Here’s a fun PrideNomad family reveal—I’ll be delivering the first two sessions from my tent at the Broken Heel Festival, proof that you can truly run events from anywhere as a PrideNomad!

So grab your spot and let’s make this happen together. In just 5 days, you could have your very own newsletter out there, doing its thing. And I’ll be with you every step of the way.


Get Connected Wherever You Go!

A few weeks ago I was in Palm Springs for the annual conference of America’s NGLCC—The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. It was a terrific event, with well over 1,000 members of the LGBTQ+ community—and our allies there to do business and have fun.

The bottom line!

This is a perfect message for all of us!

I’ll have more about the event in a future issue—but the big takeaway is this:

There are LGBTQ+ business-centric groups all over the WORLD. When you travel, seek them out (you’ll have access to a complete worldwide directory shortly—stay tuned!!). It’s these incredible groups that can instantly help cure feelings of loneliness and provide you with a support system wherever you are.

And you never know—some groups have some pretty terrific raffles and giveaways at their meetings. That’s how I got my tent at the Broken Heel Festival! Thanks so much for that, Sydney Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce!

See you next week!

Quiz Answer


Berlin is home to the Berlinale Film Festival, which includes the Teddy Award, one of the most prestigious LGBTQ+ film awards globally. This festival, set against Berlin’s mix of medieval and modern architecture, makes the city a major hub for LGBTQ+ culture and arts.

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