PrideNomad 130: The World Tour (Yours?)

How to plan YOUR adventure

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

Known for its vibrant arts scene and coastal views, this city in Oceania is home to one of the largest LGBTQ+ festivals in the Southern Hemisphere. Which city is it?

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email:

Up Front: The PrideNomad World Tour…Ready, Set…!

Staying Connected: NGLCC Aftermath

Nomad Hack: The Power of Setting Boundaries

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


The PrideNomad World Tour…Starts This Week!

Last week we covered some of the essentials you should consider in your journeys.

This week, we’re going to put it into action.

You see, yesterday I decided to embrace the ultimate freedom—the kind that has no permanent address, no set plan, and no limits.

That’s right, I’ve given up my visitor apartment in Australia and I’m about to embark on a year-long adventure around the world.

The big question that will be first and foremost: “Where to next?”

The beauty of this lifestyle is the endless possibilities, but with great freedom comes a few logistical puzzles. Let’s dive into what it takes to set up a year of global travel for success.

First, you’ve got to be in a location-independent sort of business situation—regardless of if you run your own business or work for someone else.

If you’re not, then your first priority is to put yourself into that structure.

If you ARE location independent, then you’ve got flexibility. My lease had ended so I was free to make my next move.

I tend to be spontaneous—and that’s the ultimate freedom!

First Stop: The Essentials

Before you start dreaming of faraway lands, let’s talk about the basics. Packing smart is critical. I’m sticking to a trusty rollerboard and my favorite backpack—you know, the one I’ve raved about before. That’s it.

Maybe I’ll pick up a fold-up bike (which we’ve discussed previously)…we’ll see!

What to Pack, What to Sell, and What to Store?

When you’re saying goodbye to a permanent home, the decisions can be tough.

What do you really need? My advice: Keep it simple.

Sell or donate what you don’t love or use often. Store the sentimental stuff with a trusted friend or in a storage unit.

And pack only the essentials—clothes you love, gadgets you can’t live without, and a few comfort items to make each place feel like home.

Banking, Phone Numbers, and Staying Connected

Here’s a tip from the road: Banking is easier when you go digital. Make sure you have a bank that doesn’t hit you with fees every time you make an international transaction. If you have a US-based company or are a US-based tax citizen, we enthusiastically recommend Mercury, one of our sponsors. They’re amazing.

As for phone numbers, I’ve always kept an American T-Mobile number with their international plan—it’s been a lifesaver. But I’m also exploring international SIM cards, which could offer more flexibility depending on where I land.

Health and Safety: Don’t Skip Insurance

No matter how adventurous you feel, don’t skip out on health and travel insurance. Seriously. This is non-negotiable. Make sure you’re covered for both health emergencies and travel mishaps. It’s not the most exciting part of planning, but it’s essential for peace of mind. Here at PrideNomad, we have personal experience with this. Here’s the rule: No Insurance, No Travel.

Destinations: When, Where, and Why?

Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff—where to go and when. I’m starting with a cruise with my mom (because family first, right?), then heading to Montana for a conference, followed by weeks in Bangkok and Osaka for the IGLTA convention. From there, who knows? The world is my oyster (and it should be yours as well!).

Here’s a sneak peek at what’s under consideration:

Laos: Best visited in November or December when the weather is cool and dry, and the tourist crowds have thinned out. Plus, great Wi-Fi in key spots for those who need to stay connected.

Vietnam: March to April is perfect, avoiding the peak tourist season while still enjoying pleasant weather. Choose a base with solid internet so you can work while soaking up the culture. I fell in love with Hoi An, and can’t wait to get more clothes made there!

Philippines: June might be rainy, but it’s the off-season, meaning fewer crowds and cheaper prices. Find a location with reliable Wi-Fi and stay for a while—you don’t want to rush through island paradise.

Ecuador: September is ideal for exploring the Andes or the Amazon, just before the rainy season hits. Cities like Quito offer great connectivity for working on the go.

Colombia: Visit in October to enjoy the best weather and fewer tourists in popular spots like Cartagena. Settle in for a few weeks and immerse yourself in the local scene while keeping your business running smoothly.

 • Peru: November is a great time to explore, right before the rainy season begins and after the high tourist season. Consider staying longer in spots like Cusco, where you can balance work and exploration.

Note that I’m grouping things geographically for convenience, economics as well as jetlag considerations. Recommend you do the same!

Let’s not forget about skiing in Japan this season, plus a return to Whistler Gay Ski Week (and maybe a few other gay ski weeks).

All while keeping the business rolling, thanks to planning and picking destinations with the infrastructure to support a digital nomad lifestyle.

But this isn’t just about my journey. We want to hear from you!

Do you have plans in place? Let’s coordinate. It would be awesome to connect with other PrideNomads along the way.

So, where will you go next? Reply to this email and let’s create some PrideNomad meetups!


Being a PrideNomad is about freedom, not about lugging around a bunch of unnecessary gear and obligations. Focus on quality over quantity, and remember that less is often more. Stick to the essentials, and you’ll find that your journey is smoother, lighter, and a lot more enjoyable. We’re here to help you cut through the noise and focus on what truly matters—so you can keep living your best, uncluttered nomad life.

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Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!


NGLCC Aftermath. The Takeaways.

Each year, America’s National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce brings together nearly 2,000 LGBTQ+ and allied business leaders from around the world.

This year, their International Business & Leadership Conference in Palm Springs was an exceptional experience.

The event, known as the largest LGBTQ+ business gathering globally, was PrideNomad’s virgin experience, and it was certainly eye-opening.

When you walk into a convention center and the opening general session is in a gigundous room filled with a community of like-minded queers and allies—it’s a bit awe-inspiring.

The global representation was truly impressive. Although it’s a USA-based organization, the conference had an international flavor.

The Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, for example, brought their own "Business Trade Mission."

This highlighted the serious commitment to fostering international business relationships within the LGBTQ+ community.

The closing party was a hoot!

Networking was a key focus of the event. It wasn’t just about making connections but about building relationships that can lead to long-term business collaborations (you’ll be benefiting from these collaborations in future editions of the PrideNomad Letter).

The supplier matchmaking sessions were particularly impactful, facilitating meaningful exchanges between LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs and representatives from Fortune 500 companies [Editors Note: Let’s see how long some of those relationships can stay strong, given the efforts by others to destroy them—RIP Harley Davidson, Loews and others].

The atmosphere was professional and warm, allowing for both serious business discussions and a bit of fun (and let’s face it—we’re in the business of FUN!). How terrific to be able to attend a business conference in shorts and flipflops!

When it came to content, there were some outstanding speakers who left a lasting impression. For example:

Josh Linkner, a New York Times bestselling author and tech CEO, delivered a compelling session on innovation and creative problem-solving. His blend of business acumen and artistic sensibility provided valuable takeaways for anyone looking to drive growth in their ventures.

Josh Linkner’s presentation required a lot of note-taking!

Jenn Lederer, an award-winning storyteller and keynote speaker, captivated the audience with her insights on branding and the power of storytelling. Her ability to connect with the audience and convey complex ideas in an engaging way was truly impressive.

But the moment that truly humbled me was meeting Judy and Dennis Shepard, the parents of Matthew Shepard. Standing there with them, I felt the weight of their journey and their unwavering dedication to promoting equality. It was a moment I’ll never forget, a poignant reminder of why gatherings like this are so vital.

Judy & Dennis Shepard with PrideNomad Publisher Ken Krell

Overall, the 2024 NGLCC Conference was a testament to the power of connection, innovation, and collaboration within the global LGBTQ+ business community. It was a professional, well-organized event that offered valuable insights, networking opportunities, and moments of genuine inspiration.

For anyone looking to advance their business while supporting LGBTQ+ initiatives, this conference is a must-attend event.

Do you have a travel story or helpful hint to share? Reply to this email and share (and if we publish it, you’ll score a sexy PrideNomad T-Shirt!).


The Power of Setting Boundaries in Business and Travel

As a PrideNomad, your time is your most valuable asset.

Whether you’re hopping between time zones or juggling multiple projects, setting clear boundaries is critical.

One of the best tips is to create a “work zone” in every place you stay. Even if it’s just a corner of a room, having a dedicated space signals to your brain that it’s time to work, not relax.

See if you can keep your business out of your bed…you’ll sleep better if your bed is not your office!

Additionally, setting specific work hours—even if they vary day to day—can help you maintain a work-life balance and avoid burnout.

Communicate these hours clearly to clients and collaborators. Block your calendar so that people can’t book into your sacred time.

This ensures that you have uninterrupted time to explore your new surroundings, connect with locals, or simply unwind.

Remember, the freedom of the PrideNomad lifestyle comes with the responsibility of managing your time wisely.

By setting boundaries, you can maximize productivity while still enjoying the adventures that drew you to this lifestyle in the first place.

Oh, and one other thing. Be sure you block out time to SLEEP—especially if you’re on the other side of the world from your customers and clients. Lack of sleep can mess up your emotions (and thus your judgment) and your health.

See you next week!

Quiz Answer


Sydney is famous for its Mardi Gras, one of the largest LGBTQ+ festivals in the Southern Hemisphere. The event is known for its vibrant parade, arts scene, and coastal views, making Sydney a top destination for LGBTQ+ celebrations and tourism.

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