PrideNomad 134: A Free Trip to Japan (yes!)

And a HUGE Announcement!

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

Which Caribbean island is known for being one of the most LGBTQ-friendly destinations in the region?

• A) Jamaica

• B) Puerto Rico

• C) The Bahamas

• D) St. Lucia

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email:

Up Front: Lonely on the Road? Let’s Fix that!

Poll Results : Here’s What You Said!

Our BIG Announcement: (You’ve Gotta Read Below!)

Nomad Hack: My FREE Japan Trip…How You Can Do It Too.

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


Lonely on the Road? Here’s How to Stay Connected and Thrive as a PrideNomad

Let’s be honest:

Being a digital nomad is awesome.

You get to explore the world, work from stunning locations, and live life on your terms.

But every now and then, even the most seasoned PrideNomads can feel that little pang of loneliness. Yup, it happens to all of us.

But don’t worry—we’ve got you covered, and I promise the solution doesn’t involve joining a knitting circle (unless that’s your thing—no judgment here).

1. The PrideNomad Community Is Your Secret Weapon

First things first—remember that you’ve got a whole tribe of PrideNomads just like you. You’re not alone in this journey. Seriously, jump into our community, share your wins, your struggles, or that weird photo of your lunch that only fellow nomads will appreciate.

I guarantee you’ll feel a lot more connected when you’re chatting with folks who get it. We’re all about support here, whether you need advice or just a laugh.

2. Volunteer—It’s Not Just About Giving Back, It’s About Connection

Let’s talk about volunteering. Yeah, I know—sounds like something you’d hear from a high school guidance counselor, but stay with me.

Volunteering while you’re traveling isn’t just about feeling like a saint—it’s a freaking great way to connect with locals. Whether you’re teaching English or helping out at a local event, you’ll meet people, have fun, and feel like you belong. Plus, these are the kinds of experiences that make travel richer than any museum tour.

A few years ago, I joined a volunteer group and painted a school in Pattaya, Thailand and had a blast. Another time I spent an unforgettable afternoon bringing much needed school supplies to a remote school in Indonesia and had an amazing time playing with the children. These are priceless memories—and they only come from playing full-out.

About to paint the library at Ban Thung Klom School in Thailand. I still have my volunteer shirt!

3. Your Body’s Not a Backpack—Take Care of It

Listen, I’m not here to lecture, but I’d be doing you a disservice if I didn’t mention this. Traveling can mess with your body, especially if you’re jumping time zones like they’re stepping stones. Dehydration, digestion issues, feeling like you got hit by a bus after a 12-hour flight—these are all real things. Hydrate, take breaks, stretch, and for the love of Wi-Fi, eat something green once in a while.

Oh…and SLEEP! Nothing screws with your emotions more than a lack of sleep! Rest up and you’ll find your moods improve as well.

4. Solo Adventures Are Great, But Don’t Go Full Hermit

Let’s get one thing clear: solo travel is empowering.

It’s liberating to explore a new place on your own terms. But after a few days, talking to yourself can gets old. Engage with the people around you—whether it’s at a local LGBTQ+ event, a social meetup, or even just chatting with the person making your coffee.

We’ve covered this before, but it’s worth a reminder.

You never know who you’ll meet, and those connections can turn into some pretty epic friendships. Additionally, you’ll get real-time insider information about places to see, things to do and, perhaps even more important, things and places to avoid!

5. Let’s Get Personal—Join Our New Insider AMA Calls

Okay, here’s where things are gonna get fun.

Starting next week, we’re rolling out monthly “Ask Me Anything” calls.

These aren’t your typical, boring webinars (yuck!). No, these will be interactive, unfiltered, and totally real sessions where we can chat, laugh, and get into the nitty-gritty of PrideNomad life.

Have questions about the best spots for the Mardi Gras parade in Sydney? Want to know how to survive a 14-hour bus ride in Thailand? What it’s like to be smothered in tomatoes during the LaTomatina festival in Spain? Or just need to vent about your latest Airbnb disaster?

The agenda is YOURS. So bring your questions, bring your spirit and bring your smile!

Mark the date: Thursday, October 10 at 7:00pm EST in North America (Thursday, the 11th at 9am in Sydney). We’ll send out a Zoom link in next week’s PrideNomad Letter.

Something else—Bring Your Friends! Whether you’re traveling or not—whether they’re traveling or not—the idea of being a PrideNomad is that you have the desire to live your most passionate and fulfilled life.

So the more we grow as a community, the more fun we’ll all have—so forward this email, tell your friends and invite them to subscribe and join us next week!


Holy Ship!

Last week we asked if you’d be interested in joining us for a PrideNomad Mastermind at Sea. 🛳️ 🏳️‍🌈

The idea is for us to connect and work on growing our own location-independent businesses while cruising to exciting ports and making fabulous memories with fellow PrideNomads. Yep—we’d Work, Play and Level Up all in one epic journey…

And you overwhelmingly said YES!

A full 80% of those voting said YES or Tell Me More.

So it looks like we’ll look at doing a cruise next year. Stay tuned!

NOTE: If you didn’t vote, please don’t make it a habit—especially if you’re from the USA. We need your vote this year—it’s the most important election of our lives.

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Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!


Take Your PrideNomad Experience to the Next Level—Become a Founding VIP Insider! 🌍.

You’ve been asking for more—and we’ve listened. That’s why we’re launching PrideNomad Insider, your VIP upgrade to everything the free PrideNomad Letter offers, but with a whole new level of exclusive access, tools, and insights. 🎉

Whether you’re already living the nomadic life or dreaming of making the leap, PrideNomad Insider is here to help you take that next step with confidence. When you’re ready to go all in, we’ll be with you every step of the way.

As a Founding Insider, here’s what you’ll get:

  • Exclusive Weekly Insider Digest: Packed with expert tips, travel hacks, and strategies to help you live or prepare for your best nomadic life.

  • Monthly AMA Calls: Whether you’re figuring out how to get started or refining your journey, get your questions answered—business, travel, or lifestyle-related.

  • Software Tool of the Month: Each month, you’ll receive a powerful, carefully selected tool designed to simplify your life and business. Valued at $100 per month or more, these tools will save you time, money, and hassle—so you can focus on building your dream nomadic lifestyle.

But remember—this isn’t for everyone. It’s for those who are serious about taking their lifestyle and business to the next level and want exclusive tools to help them get there.

And there’s more—by becoming an Insider, you’re not just unlocking incredible value for yourself, you’re also helping us grow our global PrideNomad community. Your membership helps fund our outreach efforts, making the community bigger, more vibrant, and more fun for everyone!

Now while it’s not for everyone, we’ve made this upgrade so insanely affordable that anyone who wants to invest in themselves can afford it.

You get all of this for as low as $3.92/month when you join as a Founding Insider (yes, less than the cost of a bad cup of coffee!).

This special Founding Insider opportunity is only available for a limited time, so now’s your chance to lock in your spot, support our mission, and help us grow this incredible community.

Even better—you can try it risk-free. If you don’t love it, you can cancel anytime, no strings attached.

As a bonus, we’re hosting an open AMA call next week for all subscribers (we mentioned that above), but after that, AMA calls will be Insiders only. This is your chance to see and experience the value firsthand.

Ready to take the leap or level up your journey? Become a PrideNomad Founding Insider today and lock in your exclusive status!


How to Travel Free as a PrideNomad

Ever wondered how you can explore the world without draining your bank account? Let me let you in on a little secret: the key is becoming a content creator, especially if you’re a newsletter publisher.

When you share your unique perspective and insights with your audience, brands and event organizers start to notice. And guess what? They love inviting media to their events—yes, that includes PrideNomads like you!

I’ve been invited to all kinds of global events, from exclusive product launches to VIP tours (ie my upcoming Japan trip—which you’ll be reading about later this month!), all because I write about my experiences and share them with my audience (YOU!).

It’s a win-win: I get to attend amazing events, often for free, and they get valuable exposure.

The best part? You don’t need to be a huge influencer. You just need a dedicated newsletter audience within your niche.

Start writing, build credibility, and soon, you’ll find yourself on the guest list for all sorts of exciting opportunities—free tours, exclusive events, and more.

And while it’s fun, remember: stay objective. Your audience trusts your recommendations, so keep it real.

See you next week!

Quiz Answer

B) Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico has a welcoming LGBTQ+ scene, particularly in San Juan, with many gay-friendly hotels, bars, and beaches.

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