PrideNomad 136: Mom Rants & Japan's on 🔥

Plus The Evergreen Content Pyramid

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Today’s PrideNomad™ Quiz:

Which European city hosts one of the largest Pride parades in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year?

• A) London, UK

• B) Madrid, Spain

• C) Berlin, Germany

• D) Paris, France

Answer at the bottom of today’s newsletter.

In today’s email:

Up Front: Japan’s On Fire for PrideNomads. Here’s Why…

A Word From Mom: PrideNomad Mom is on a Rant

New Reader Benefit : Meet the PrideNomad Concierge!

Strategy Time: The Ultimate Pyramid Scheme…

We love Mercury. It’s totally free banking!


Japan is on 🔥 for PrideNomads. Here’s Why..

Japan is fast becoming a top destination for LGBTQ+ travelers and digital nomads, and it’s not hard to see why. With a mix of old-world traditions and futuristic vibes, cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Sapporo are rolling out the rainbow carpet, making the country an exciting, welcoming place to visit.

Why Japan?

Japan’s rise as an LGBTQ+ hotspot is due to its growing number of inclusive spaces and events. Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ni-chome district is buzzing with bars and clubs that cater to the LGBTQ+ community, while Osaka and Sapporo are leading the charge with LGBTQ+ friendly events like Osaka Pride and Sapporo Rainbow Pride.

What’s more, Japan’s economy is in your favor right now, meaning your money will go further than it has in recent years. If you’ve been thinking about a trip, now’s the time to plan.

Top LGBTQ+ Friendly Cities in Japan

1. Tokyo: Even if you’re just passing through, make time for Shinjuku Ni-chome, Tokyo’s LGBTQ+ nightlife hub, where you’ll find dozens of bars and cafés. Inclusive hotels like Cen Diversity Hotel & Café ensure that all travelers feel welcome.

2. Sapporo: Known for its laid-back vibe, Sapporo is a must-visit, especially during Sapporo Rainbow Pride. Its relaxing onsen (hot springs) and the scenic Otaru Canal offer the perfect balance of adventure and relaxation.

3. Osaka: Osaka is not just Japan’s food capital—it’s quickly becoming an LGBTQ+ hub, too. With Osaka Pride (in 2 weeks) and next week’s IGLTA convention (with over 440 people expected from around the world), the city’s vibrant Amerikamura district is packed with LGBTQ+ friendly spots and fun places to explore. We’ll be there and you’ll have a full report!

LGBTQ+ Events to Watch

One standout event is Gay Ski Week, happening in Hakuba from March 7-16. Hakuba’s renowned powder slopes and LGBTQ+ après-ski parties make it a top winter destination.

Another exciting event is Tokyo International Queer Film Festival, which showcases LGBTQ+ films from around the world. It’s a fantastic opportunity to engage with LGBTQ+ culture and cinema while being part of Tokyo’s growing queer community.

Why Japan is Perfect for Digital Nomads

For PrideNomads, Japan is a dream come true—fast Wi-Fi, co-working spaces in every city, and top-tier public transportation make it easy to explore without disrupting your work. Plus, new digital nomad visas mean you can stay longer and truly experience all Japan has to offer.

The Bottom Line

Japan is on fire right now for LGBTQ+ travelers and PridePomads alike. Whether you’re exploring ancient temples, diving into the local LGBTQ+ scene, or just relaxing in nature, there’s never been a better time to visit. Start planning your trip today!

Wanna Play in Japan This Winter? Answer the Poll Below.

Want to Go to Gay Ski Week in Hakuba?

March 7-16, 2025

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Pride, Safety, and Common Sense

Pepper aka PrideNomad Mom

Listen, kids—this is your PrideNomad Mom talking. I know you’re all proud to wave the flag and show the world who you are, and I love that about you. But I need to rant for a moment because, let’s face it, not every place is a Pride parade waiting to happen. Some places, believe it or not, can get downright hostile.

Take it from me: showing affection, like holding hands or kissing, can be dangerous in certain countries. Have you heard what happened in London back in 2019? Two young women, Melania Geymonat and Christine Hannigan, were just minding their business on a bus when a group of teenagers started harassing them, demanding they kiss for their amusement.

When they refused—because who the hell would—they were attacked and left bloody. This happened in London for crying out loud, where you’d expect more acceptance! Imagine what could happen in places like Saudi Arabia or Uganda, where just existing as an LGBTQ+ person could land you in prison—or worse  .

I’m not saying hide who you are. Hell no. But be smart. Know where you are, and for heaven’s sake, don’t risk getting beaten up or jailed just to prove a point. Pride is about loving yourself enough to keep yourself safe, wherever you go.

— Love, PrideNomad Mom


Meet the PrideNomad Concierge!

We’re constantly fielding questions about where to go, what to do, how to deal with visa issues and more, so we turned to our amazing tech wizards and crafted our own online PrideNomad Concierge, with experts covering major PrideNomad destinations.

Yep, we’re covering the rainbow planet just for you!

Those who attended our first Ask Me Anything call last week (it was awesome!) had a taste of our Sydney concierge.

Today, you’ll get to meet Jules, who’s our Japan expert. Ask Jules anything about digital nomad-related subjects and he’ll be happy to give you an amazing 4-day itinerary or recommend some terrific LGBTQ+ owned or friendly yoga studios.

Now—please bear in mind that the concierge is in BETA…so your feedback is critical to us. Please let us know what you think, and if you find any information either incorrect, spot on or possibly confusing, do let us know so we can improve it for you!

You can meet Jules, the PrideNomad Concierge for Japan, when you tap the sexy blue button below:

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Share your nomadic adventures with us! PrideNomad™ is all about building a community of like-minded digital nomads who want to experience the world together. Your wisdom and experience is what makes this relevant for everyone. So don’t be shy. Reply to this email and share your story!


Introducing the Evergreen Content Pyramid: The Secret to Content That Keeps Paying Off

After years of studying the most successful content strategies, I’ve cracked the code behind what separates fleeting content from the kind that keeps working for you long after you hit “publish.”

The most influential creators have one thing in common: they’re using a framework I’m calling the Evergreen Content Pyramid—and once you see how it works, you’ll be able to build content that delivers value, engagement, and results on repeat.

And you can implement it from a beach bar in Bali or a ski lodge in the Swiss Alps.

In fact, you’ll never look at content the same way again.

Here’s How the Evergreen Content Pyramid Works

  1. Base Layer: Evergreen Core Content
    This is your foundation—the content that never gets old. Think long-form guides, case studies, and in-depth resources that answer your audience’s most burning questions. This stuff sticks around for the long haul and keeps delivering value without needing constant updates.

  2. Middle Layer: Timely Updates and Curated Content
    You’ve got your evergreen pieces, but let’s keep them relevant. This layer is where you update your core content to reflect new trends, changes in the industry, or fresh insights. You’ll also curate top-notch content from other thought leaders to keep your audience engaged and your content pipeline full.

  3. Top Layer: Promotional Content
    Time to turn that content into action. This layer is all about driving conversions—whether it’s a webinar, a killer email campaign, or that perfectly timed Facebook ad. This is the content that sells.

Why the Evergreen Content Pyramid Works So Well

  • Sustainability: Your evergreen content does the heavy lifting for you, working day and night to pull in traffic and leads.

  • Scalability: Repurpose and refresh content—don’t reinvent the wheel. You’re creating once and using it over and over again.

  • Relevance: With regular updates and timely pieces, your audience knows you’re in the know and at the top of your game.

  • Conversions: This isn’t just content for content’s sake. Everything funnels into the top layer, where you turn attention into action and revenue.

How to Get Started with the Evergreen Content Pyramid

  1. Find Your Core: Identify the most valuable, long-lasting topics for your audience. Create deep, comprehensive content around these—guides, tutorials, case studies—whatever gives the most bang for the buck.

  2. Create Evergreen: These are your long-form, hero pieces. Invest the time upfront, and you’ll reap the rewards for years.

  3. Keep It Fresh: The world doesn’t stop turning, and neither should your content. Update your evergreen pieces and mix in timely, curated posts to keep your audience engaged and hungry for more.

  4. Promote the Hell Out of It: Once you’ve got this treasure trove of content, leverage it. Run webinars, send email sequences, and launch ad campaigns that turn those valuable insights into leads and conversions.

Real-World Example: Neil Patel

Neil Patel’s website is a perfect example of the Evergreen Content Pyramid in action.

  • Base Layer: Neil’s “Ultimate Guide to SEO” is an evergreen masterpiece. It’s a go-to resource for anyone diving into SEO, and it’s been consistently pulling in traffic and leads for years.

  • Middle Layer: Neil doesn’t let it sit stagnant. He updates it regularly with fresh insights, and pairs it with timely blog posts and curated content that keeps readers coming back.

  • Top Layer: Finally, Neil uses that attention to drive conversions. His email courses, webinars, and consulting services seamlessly flow from the value-packed content he’s built over time.

By following this strategy, Neil’s site isn’t just a collection of blog posts—it’s a conversion machine.

Final Thoughts

The Evergreen Content Pyramid is more than just a content strategy—it’s a blueprint for sustainable growth. When you follow this method, you’re not just creating content that fades into the digital abyss. You’re building a long-lasting resource that grows with your audience and drives results day after day.

Now it’s your turn to take this framework and make it your own. Start creating, stay relevant, and watch your content pyramid turn into a revenue powerhouse.

Want some help with this? Reply back and tell me what you need. I’m exploring how I can best help you implement it!

Quiz Answer


Madrid Pride (Orgullo) is one of the biggest LGBTQ+ events globally, known for its vibrant parades and inclusive atmosphere.

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