Issue 102: The Top 10 and OMG It's Baaaack!

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In today’s email:

  • The Top 10 PrideNomad™ Destinations: And screw AI!

  • It’s Mardi Gras Time, Y’all: It may be Down Under, but it’s over the top!

  • The Best Place to Meet Dracula: Well, actually it’s all about getting a proper health check, including the blood work.

  • NomadHack: Do you have a backup plan?

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The Top 10 Destinations for PrideNomads™

We made the list. We even checked it twice.

We thought we’d put together a terrific list of the top countries and cities for our community. So we looked at a world map and started our list.

Then we went to ChatGPT to do some analysis (to cover things like visa considerations, health care, the economy, and LGBTQ+ laws) and we compared notes.

First lesson: NEVER trust AI!

My first city choice never even made ChatGPT’s list. BS to that, I say!

The AI did have some great destinations, but it can’t rank on personal experience. It didn’t have a fabulous time in Bali and it didn’t have a miraculous day on Doi Suthep Mountain in Chiang Mai (with a gorgeous straight guy on a motorbike no less!).

So while this list IS based on various criteria, it’s also subjective. For now, it’s our current list.

With your input, it will change. So please reply to us and let us know what we missed and what you may disagree with. Also, please share some stories about your experiences in any of these places.

Seriously—we want your input!

Also, note that we’ve excluded the USA from this list—not intentionally, but our editors are American, so being a digital nomad to us means LEAVING the USA! (Don’t worry—we’ll do a USA-centric list soon for our non-American friends!)

First on our list is Thailand, and not just for the food. Let’s face it, Thai food is so good that they named a country after it! My first adventure to Thailand was in 2009 when I took a 6-week trip to Southeast Asia.

Best Pad Thai Ever. Period.

Served on paper!

That’s what we said after we ate there!

My friend Terry suggested BKK (Bangkok’s international airport code and our shorthand for this amazing city), because of its close proximity to everything Asia, its ridiculously inexpensive cost of living and of course, the best street food on the planet.

Of course, when I told my friends that I was headed to Thailand, they all thought I was going for the gorgeous young boys. Yes, if you’re into young boys, you’ll be in paradise (just be careful about the scams—that’s for another time).

The major Thai cities are incredibly gay-friendly and very nomad-friendly. In fact, Chaing Mai has for years been known to be a hub for digital marketers.

Bangkok has changed quite a bit since 2009 and it’s lost much of its gritty appeal. Street vendors have been evicted, buildings torn down and replaced by personality-less towers, and iconic establishments have been closed (such as the beloved Babylon sauna—arguably the best gay sauna in the world).

Yes, Thailand can be hot and humid. That makes it easier to pack for! No need for sweaters or even pants (that said, it can be super cold in the shopping malls and coffee shops, so DO travel with pants and even a light jacket).

We’ll give you a more in-depth user-guide to Thailand and BKK in upcoming issues, and see later in this issue for a tip on what may be the best deal in medical care.

OK, so without further ado, here’s our short list of our top 10 cities.

  1. Bangkok. ‘nuff said.

  2. Lisbon. NOTE: Lisbon is one of our favorites, but housing has more than doubled in price over the past few years—mostly due to the popularity of digital nomads such as ourselves. Aside from that, it’s still one of the most affordable places in Europe to hang out in, the food is excellent (just don’t go looking for good Thai food!) and the people are friendly.  One of my favorite places to work has been the Holmes Place gym—you get to workout, have a great lunch, and get some work done, too, with the free wifi.

  3. Sydney. Yes, it’s expensive. And yes, it’s far away from everything. That distance can be a challenge if you’re working on North American time (understatement—it’s a killer). And the jetlag to get there can knock you back for a week! But when you see the Opera House from your aircraft window as you’re landing, your heart may just skip a beat. With great food, great people, super gay-friendly neighborhoods and culture for days, you can’t go wrong here. Our publisher loves it so much that he’s looking for an Aussie husband. Anyone got a sexy candidate for him?

  4. Barcelona. Oh, BCN we love you! Warm weather, great food, a welcoming LGBTQ+ community and nearby beaches. It’s fabulous. Now, to be fair, there are lots of other great options in Spain, so find your best travel deal to either Barcelona or Madrid and go from there. Be sure to get to San Sebastián. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in Spain. And of course, you’ve got to go to the famous Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. You’ll fall in love with Spain and Portugal, so be sure to track your time there—you don’t want to have visa issues if you overstay.

  5. Porto. Yes, we covered Lisbon above, but Porto deserves a place on the list due to it’s laid-back energy, it’s affordability, proximity, and stunning beauty. If you’re into wine, you’ll love being in the heart of port wine country.

  6. Puerto Vallarta. Mexico is one of the easiest places for Americans to travel to—from proximity to affordability (though prices have been on the rise due to the vast number of digital nomads migrating there over the past few years). PV is a contender in the great food category, the natural beauty category, and certainly the weather category. And you simply can’t beat working in the same time zone as your clients if you’re dealing with North America.

  7. Bali. Bali may be the de facto vacation destination for most Aussies, and rightly so. Great people, decent proximity, and extremely LGBTQ+ friendly. Bali is known for its yoga retreats and mindfulness-centric vibe, so if you’re looking for a terrific laid-back place to visit, you won’t be disappointed. Just don’t expect terrific beaches. Sad to say, our beach experiences were quite disappointing (and having lived in the Caribbean for many years, I confess to being quite jaded). Note that we’re listing Bali and NOT Indonesia as a whole. The country has enacted some unfriendly laws toward our community, which frankly, puts it on our list of places to avoid. But Bali is a beacon of hope and joy, and it made the list. Let’s hope it can keep its position.

  8. Amsterdam. It’s one of the most LGBTQ+ friendly locations on the planet, with a whopping 92% of the population holding a favorable attitude toward our lifestyle. It’s a gorgeous city with gorgeous people. It’s not a cheap city, but as with everything, there are always deals to be had. Plan ahead and be creative. BTW, if you have any suggestions and input for any of our selections here, please comment back to us. The value of our publication depends on YOU, baby!

  9. Prague. Prague has been one of our favorite cities for years. The architecture is breathtaking, with centuries of history for you to explore. It’s very gay-friendly and one of the more affordable European cities. Just as with Portugal and Spain, be sure to manage your time in the 27 Schengen countries, or you might find yourself in an “uncomfortable” position at the border.

  10. Taipei. The Gay Taipei scene has exploded in recent years, ever since Taiwan became the first country in Asia to legalize same-sex marriage in 2019. From amazing food to captivating culture to (ok, I’ll say it again) gorgeous people, Taipei should be on your list. Given all the political “stress” with China now, we suggest you go now. 

OK, that’s our top 10.

Next week, we’ll reveal the runners-up (of which there are plenty).

What does it all mean?

It’s simple. As a PrideNomad™, you’ve got the flexibility to do it all. The world is a huge place, but it can also be an intimate place where you can make connections that last a lifetime.

So if you haven’t started your wishlist of your next destinations, now might be a good time to put something together.

We’re planning to compile a comprehensive calendar of Pride events, festivals, and parties so that you can design your own adventure, and hopefully connect with other PrideNomad™ readers.

Hint—for us, we’re looking at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival at the beginning of August (with Mom!), the Gay Ski Week in New Zealand at the end of August, Japan in October (with Mom again), Gay Whistler Ski Week next January (Mom will go snowmobiling!), and of course Sydney Mardi Gras in February (more on that below!). What’s on YOUR travel list this year?


Ken Krell
Founder, Publisher and Chief Enthusiast


What do over 300,000 people, 1,000 volunteers, Cher, Kylie Minogue, George Michael, Kelly Rowland, and over 16,500 performers all have in common?

Sydney Mardi Gras.

It’s been crowned as one of the most popular carnivals on the entire planet. It’s also Australia’s biggest celebration of LGBTQIA+ communities (and also New South Wales’ second-largest annual event, in terms of economic impact). 

Mardi Gras isn't just an event; it's a global phenomenon that has morphed from a modest protest in 1978 into the southern hemisphere’s showcase for LGBTQ+ rights. It’s so significant that it scored hosting status for last year’s World Pride Festival.

It’s so popular that the entire event is broadcast live on Australia’s ABC network (and if you’re watching on the telly, you’ll likely see our publisher, Ken Krell, ushering the marchers along the proper roadway).

Have you ever seen police embracing rainbow colors? Welcome to Mardi Gras!

Last year’s parade made political history, with Australia’s Prime Minister walking in the parade (Ken got to shake hands with him!). That’s the first time that an Aussie Prime Minister has shown this kind of support for our community.

Mardi Gras is more than just the incredible parade, though. It’s a cultural festival complete with an educational series and a plethora of parties. 70,000 people or more typically attend fair day at Victoria Park (which was canceled this year due to asbestos in the park).

It’s also the time for the Mardi Gras Film Festival which includes a night at the most beautiful movie venue on the planet. Check out the view from the other night…

The best outdoor film venue on the planet? We think so!

Parties include two fun pool parties, a fabulous beach party on world-famous Bondi Beach, and the mega party immediately following the parade. Performers at the signature party have included Cher, Kylie, Kelly Rowland, and more. This year’s headliner is Adam Lambert.

The Kaftana Party is a favorite! Even Andy Cohen was there last year.

The Bondi Beach Party is Fab!

Fun for Everyone!

It’s happening right now here in Sydney and there’s still time to get your beautiful bum on a plane in time for the Mardi Gras parade on March 2nd.

Who’s joining us there? Reply back and let us know!


Travel Insurance Warnings

More on Medical:

Last week we talked about medical insurance and travel insurance. This week we want to share a quick tip about how you can get a comprehensive medical checkup for pennies on the dollar (compared to the USA’s ridiculous prices).

Go to our favorite PrideNomad™ destination.

That’s right. Head over to BKK and book yourself into a rock-star medical experience at one of the local hospitals.

For example, at Bangkok Hospital, you can get a full workup—including chest X-ray, EKG, ultrasound of your carotid artery, eye exam, total blood work and more for $376 USD for men and $558 for women (based on current exchange).

Expat health checks are a big business. And you can save a bundle!

Boutique Hospital Bumrungrad is a bit more luxurious, and you’ll pay much more for it.

It’s a great experience—these hospitals specialize in Expat health exams, and they chaperone you from station to station (as if you’re on an assembly line!), and they even buy you lunch. Then they give you a booklet with your complete results.

Health checkups are big business for Thai hospitals.

I’ve been doing this every year since 2009 (except during covid years) and the great part is that they can compare your current situation with your past years and map out trends. It’s impressive.

Of course, the best part is that you’re in Thailand, so you get a terrific place to hang out (and eat!) while you take care of your health.

Yes, you should still have an insurance policy, and the best policy I’ve seen so far is with SafetyWing, which appears to give you the most travel flexibility. Be sure to shop around. NOTE: If you have some other suggestions, please share ‘em with us!

Note: Don’t even THINK of going on a trip without travel medical insurance. 

Travel/Medical insurance isn’t an option—it’s a requirement if you’re going to travel and enjoy the full PrideNomad™ lifestyle!


Speaking of Health…

You’re going to give yourself a virtual heart attack if you lose or destroy your computer and don’t have a backup.

Be absolutely SURE that you have a regular, systematic automatic backup to the cloud. If you don’t have it set up, stop everything and do it right now!

This goes for your mobile phone as well. My iPhone was stolen from right in front of me at a coffee shop in Manila (that was a brilliant piece of thievery which I’ll tell you about soon), and luckily all the data was in iCloud, so nothing was lost. Heart attack and stroke avoided.

A local backup isn’t a bad idea either. If you’re in Bangkok, for the best deal, head over to either Pantip Plaza or MBK Center to get an external hard drive and pack it separately from your laptop (if you’re a geek, you’ll LOVE Pantip Plaza!).


Need a great online bank with no fees?

If you’ve got a USA-based company, check out Mercury. They’re dedicated to startups and have a totally NO-FEE banking platform (no fees means NO international wire fees—inbound or outbound!).

And the best part: If you deposit $10k into your Mercury account within your first 90 days of signing up, you’ll earn $250! And so will we!

NOTE: We’re happy to share this with you because we totally LOVE working with them.

That’s it for now.

See ya next week!

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